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What is a Ceiling Effect – Causes & Examples 

Published by at August 21st, 2023 , Revised On January 15, 2025

Understanding the various limitations and biases that can affect results is essential in research and data analysis. One such phenomenon that can distort findings is the ceiling effect. This concept might sound like it is about home renovation, but it is an essential term in the world of statistics and measurement and is often discussed in a scholarly source.  

Let’s discuss the ceiling effect, why it happens, and examples of it in action.

What is the Ceiling Effect?

A ceiling effect occurs when the highest possible score or outcome on a measurement instrument is too low, such that a significant number of respondents or subjects score at or near that highest score. As a result, the test or instrument does not differentiate adequately among participants at the higher end of the performance spectrum. To summarise, they “hit the ceiling.” 

This phenomenon is not to be confused with other cognitive biases, such as explicit bias, which can also skew research outcomes. The ceiling effect is the opposite of the “floor effect,” where the lowest possible outcome is achieved, and no further deterioration can be seen.

Example of the Ceiling Effect

Imagine a teacher designing a vocabulary test for her fourth-grade class to evaluate their language skills. The test contains 20 questions, which are fairly easy for this grade level.

Upon administering the test, the teacher finds that most students score either 19 or 20 out of 20. This could be a case of an actor observer bias, where the teacher might not accurately judge the difficulty level of her students.

In this scenario, there is a ceiling effect. Since most students get almost perfect scores, the test doesn’t effectively discriminate between the higher-performing students. It fails to show who among the top performers has an exceptional vocabulary and who has a typically good one for that grade level.

If the teacher introduced a more challenging set of vocabulary words and re-tested, avoiding the confirmation bias of the previous test’s results, the scores might vary more widely, potentially reducing or eliminating the ceiling effect.

This example underscores the importance of test or survey design. If measurements are too easy (or too hard, leading to a floor effect), they might not provide useful discrimination or meaningful insights about the studied variable.

What Causes a Ceiling Effect?

Here are a few causes of the ceiling effect.

Inadequate Test Design

One primary cause of the ceiling effect is an inadequately designed test or measurement tool. If the questions or tasks are too easy or the instrument does not have enough challenging items, most participants may score at the higher end.

Population Mismatch

Sometimes, the test might be well-designed but unsuitable for a particular group. For instance, if a college-level maths quiz is given to PhD mathematics students, it may yield a ceiling effect due to the vast difference in skill levels.

Lack of Sufficient Range

If the measurement scale does not provide a wide enough range, it can create a ceiling effect. For example, if a scale measures satisfaction from 1-5, those who might rate their satisfaction as a 6 or 7 on a broader scale will be limited to a 5, causing saturation at that score.

Biased Sampling

The ceiling effect becomes apparent if the studied sample is not representative and tends to cluster around higher abilities or scores. This is often a result of an affinity bias, where researchers might subconsciously select participants they feel an affinity with or who they think will perform well.

Why is the Ceiling Effect a Problem?

The ceiling effect can be problematic for several reasons:

Lack of Sensitivity

When many participants score at the maximum level, detecting variations or differences among them becomes impossible. This can be exacerbated by a bias for action, where researchers might act on data without delving deeper into the nuances.

Skewed Results

A ceiling effect can lead to data that is not normally distributed, making certain statistical tests or models inappropriate or misleading. Publication bias can further complicate this, as studies with ceiling effects might get published more often if they show seemingly positive outcomes.

Limited Growth or Improvement Detection

In contexts like educational testing or therapy, if participants are already scoring at or near the maximum, it becomes challenging to measure an intervention’s growth, improvement, or effectiveness since there is no “room” to show that improvement.

Inaccurate Conclusions

When data is compressed because of a ceiling effect, researchers might conclude there is no difference between groups or no effect from an intervention, when in fact, there might be significant differences or effects that the instrument just is not capturing.

The Pygmalion effect could further impact this, where the researcher’s belief about a participant’s potential can influence their actual performance.

Reduced Motivation

In education or work, if individuals feel they have already reached the maximum achievable score or level, they might not be motivated to continue putting in effort or to strive for improvement.

Misleading Measures

Suppose an instrument or test consistently shows most participants performing at the top level. In that case, it can create a false sense of mastery or achievement when, in reality, the instrument just is not challenging or comprehensive enough.

Wasted Resources

Using a measure that frequently hits a ceiling effect can waste time and resources since it does not provide the necessary granularity or depth of information to answer research questions or guide decision-making.

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Ceiling Effect Examples

Here are some examples of the ceiling effect:

  • If many students score at the maximum possible score on a test, that test has a ceiling effect. It will be unable to differentiate among the top-performing students.
  • Suppose a performance review scale ranges from 1-5, and most employees consistently receive a 5. Then there is a ceiling effect. This could mean that the scale is not capturing the full range of employee performance, or that there is a bias in ratings.
  • If a fitness test measures how many push-ups participants can do in a minute and a significant number of participants can do more than the clock allows, then there’s a ceiling effect.
  • Consider a pain scale from 0 (no pain) to 10 (worst imaginable pain). If many patients rate their pain as a 10, the test might not capture the variability of pain experiences among those who rate their pain at the maximum level.
  • If a customer satisfaction survey consistently shows almost all customers giving the highest possible rating, there could be a ceiling effect. The survey might not be capturing the nuances in customer experiences.
  • In a game where scores range from 0-100, if most players get scores in the 95-100 range, it might be too easy, and the game may not differentiate well between good and excellent players due to an inherent ceiling effect. 
  • Analysing this using a source evaluation method can reveal the quality and reliability of the sources, distinguishing between primary source and secondary source data to understand the broader implications of such outcomes.
  • There may be a ceiling effect if a therapy’s effectiveness is rated on a scale from 1 to 10, and most patients consistently report a 10 after a few sessions. It could suggest the scale is not capturing the true variance in patient outcomes, or the patients might be providing socially desirable responses.
  • After attending a workshop designed to improve a particular skill, attendees might be asked to rate their competence. If the majority rate themselves at the highest level, there may be a ceiling effect, especially if it is unlikely all participants became experts in such a short period.

How to Avoid Ceiling Effects?

Avoiding ceiling effects is important to ensure accurate and meaningful data collection. Here are some strategies to prevent ceiling effects:

Pilot Testing

Before using a measure in a larger study, conduct a pilot test with a small subset of your intended population. This will help identify any potential ceiling effects.

Scale Expansion

If a particular measure uses a 5-point scale, consider expanding it to a 7-point or 10-point scale. This can help distribute scores more evenly and reduce the likelihood of participants maxing out the scale.

Add More Challenging Items

If you are using a test or questionnaire, include a range of items that vary in difficulty. This can help ensure that even the highest-performing individuals are challenged.

Use Open-ended Questions

When conducting surveys or questionnaires, include open-ended questions where respondents can provide more nuanced answers. This can help capture variability that might be lost with only closed-ended questions.

Use Continuous Measures

Instead of discrete scales or categories, consider using continuous measures. For example, instead of asking participants to select from a set number of categories, you could use a slider that captures a wider range of values.

Multiple Measurements

If possible, use multiple measures to assess a particular concept. This can help capture variability and ensure that if one measure has a ceiling effect, others might still provide valuable data.

Regular Review and Updating

Review and update tests or measures periodically, especially if used over extended periods or with diverse populations. This helps ensure they remain relevant and challenging, in line with the most recent research and best practices in a scholarly source.

Cater to the Population

If you know in advance that your participants are particularly advanced or high-performing in a certain area, choose or design measures that are tailored to their level.

Calibrate Instruments Appropriately

If using equipment to measure something (like a piece of lab equipment), ensure its range is suitable for the expected values. If measurements frequently max out the equipment, it may be necessary to use a different instrument or adjust its settings.

Statistical Adjustments

Sometimes, you can use statistical methods to adjust for ceiling effects. For instance, transformations can be applied to the data to correct for non-normal distributions due to ceiling effects. However, this should be done with caution and a clear understanding of the implications.

Feedback from Participants

Sometimes, simply asking participants if they felt limited or constrained by the options available can give insights into potential ceiling effects.

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Table of Contents

A ceiling effect occurs when a significant portion of participants score at or near the maximum for a measure, limiting the ability to detect higher values or differences. This can skew results, hinder sensitivity, and potentially misrepresent actual performance or feelings, making the measurement tool-less informative or even misleading.

The glass ceiling effect refers to an invisible barrier that prevents certain groups, often women and minorities, from advancing to top leadership positions, despite their qualifications and achievements. This systemic hindrance perpetuates inequality in the workplace, blocking access to higher-level opportunities based on gender, race, or other biases.

In pharmacology, the ceiling effect refers to the phenomenon where, beyond a certain dose of a drug, there is no further increase in the therapeutic response or effect. This means that increasing the dose beyond this point does not yield additional benefits but may increase the risk of adverse effects.

In psychology, the ceiling effect occurs when a measurement tool has an upper limit, causing many participants to score near or at that maximum. This limits the ability to discern differences among high-scoring individuals, potentially skewing data and obscuring true variability or effects within the tested population.

The ceiling effect of a drug refers to the point where increasing the dose does not produce any additional therapeutic effect. Beyond this level, the efficacy of the drug plateaus, meaning further dosage increases, will not intensify the desired response but may elevate the risk of side effects or toxicity.

About Owen Ingram

Avatar for Owen IngramIngram is a dissertation specialist. He has a master's degree in data sciences. His research work aims to compare the various types of research methods used among academicians and researchers.