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Type of Academic Paper – Assignment Samples
Academic Subject -Research Methodology and Data Analysis
Word Count – 2350 words
General Practice is referred to as the basis on which the National Health Service GP is relied upon (NHS, 2017). The care is being provided to the patients, and the lists have been managed in the health care (Department of Health, 2014). The main has been treatment, consultation and onward referral for the investigation’s purpose (Care Quality Commission, 2017). The study has encapsulated the critical evaluation of users’ perception regarding the general practice services provided to them and the effectiveness of those practices.
The study’s main aim was to analyse the user’s perception of the services provided by their local GP.
The main objectives of the research have been given below.
There are two types of research methods: a quantitative research method and the qualitative research method. The data for the qualitative analysis could be gathered from different resources. The database for collecting the knowledge pertains to the interview transcripts based upon the open-ended questions focused and conducted over exploratory interviews (Salmons, 2014). As a result, there is no end to constitute the database for the qualitative analysis since the information is obtained from a large variety of recorded observations, documents, and focal groups.
On the other hand, quantitative research could be rendered into the numerical presentation, which is not the case with the qualitative research method (Creswell, 2013). The prime method for collecting the quantitative analysis data is gathered from several close-ended survey questionnaires that could be designed according to the principles, thereby valuing the truth and reality.
By this research study and the topic of the research, the research questions have been designed in such a way to comprehend the main idea of the research in the most suitable manner. According to Akerkar and Sajja (2016, p.1), the quantitative methodology’s strategy deals with the different methods for collecting the data that majorly include questionnaires, interviews, and the publish date. The entire methodology is based upon obtaining data, interpreting the findings and analysis into numeric form. The significance of the quantitative analysis is directed towards addressing the issues about what and why. By doing so, different aspects of the individuals and groups could be estimated. According to Mertens (2014), the quantitative method emphasises hypothesis testing regarding different scientific approaches to determine the facts.
In addition to this, the analysis conducted for the quantitative method also incorporates the data collected through the paper survey, online surveys, kiosk and mobile surveys in addition to working face to face or telephonic interviews. Therefore, the quantitative method is an expensive method that requires an ample amount of both tiandl as money. Nevertheless, the data acquired through quantitative research is considered reliable and valuable (Eriksson and Kovalainen, 2015). According to this research study, since the data has been collected within the campus building, it saves time and additional cost.
The sample size constituted of 50 UCB students with equal distribution of the male and female population.
The ethical considerations about this research were directed towards researching different participants. The ethical boundaries had been set for both the researcher as well as the participants. The foremost ethical issue which had been addressed dealt towards maintaining the confidentiality of the respondents and ensuring them with the fact that the anonymity would be maintained at all costs and to ensure that a consent form had been signed by the respondents stating the personal data would be kept confidential by all means.
In addition to this, another ethical issue was directed towards the transparency of the data collected and to resolve this issue. It was determined that the researcher would ensure that the acquired data had not been manipulated or distorted in any possible way. In addition to this, ethics were also linked to the fact that business has been completely eradicated.
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As for this research, quantitative reasoning was used. The data was collected using a questionnaire in which all the research respondents were asked similar questions. The findings are given below:
The first question was about the gender of the respondents. It was found out that out of 50 respondents, 25 were female, and 25 were male.
The second question of the questionnaire was about the age groups of respondents. As the respondents were the students of UCB, 32 were between the ages of 15-25, and 10 were between the ages of 25 and 34, where the remaining 8 were between the ages of 35 and 44.
The next question was about how many times the respondents had seen the doctors from their practice. It was identified that 15 respondents said that they had seen the doctor only for sometimes were 12 respondents said that they had seen the doctor every three months. Out of the remaining respondents, 5 said rarely, and 8 said they had seen the doctor from the practice once in a month. It was concluded that 30% of the population made timely visits to the local GP supported by the research studies conducted by Ipsos MORI (2016) that the number of frequent NHS utilization had overall increased all over the UK.
The fourth question was about how many additional hours the respondents would like the practice to be opened. It was found out that 10 respondents said that additional hours should be added in the early morning, whereas 10 said that it should be in the evenings. However, most of the respondents, up to 30 respondents, said that additional hours should be added at the weekends thereby withstanding the studies conducted by Alderwick et al., (2015) that visiting hours of the GPs must be revolutionized.
The next question was about how quickly the respondents see the doctor at the time of need. Out of 50 respondents, 20 respondents said 6-12 hours, where 15 respondents said within 24 hours, they get to see the doctor at the time of particular need. Out of the remaining respondents, 10 said 4-6 hours; however, only 5 said they could see the doctor within an hour. It was analyzed that 30% of the population had to wait for more than 6 hours to get the appointment supported by Guardian’s studies, 2014 that reflected injurious service delivery.
The sixth question was about the urgent need to see the GP as if the respondents could see the GP within the same day. It has been identified that out of fifty respondents, 25 said that they don’t get to see the GP on the same day when required, whereas 15 respondents had a mixed response. The remaining ten respondents said they could get to see the GP on the same day of requirement. This established that 50% of people could not see the GP on the same day, which was supported by the research conducted by Baird (2016) determining the poor service delivery of the NHS.
The next question was asked about the local GP practice. It has been identified that some people have not been able to get timely appointed, and there are several other challenges people face regarding the appointment. In their local GP practice, the patients were unsatisfied with their GP services as they were often being assigned to different GPs at each time. When the question was asked about the explanation of something good or bad about the healthcare, the respondents stated that there have always been professional health specialists provided; however, the pressure on general practice has been increased due to the high-level workload as well the increasing number of people with severe and complex conditions as well as their expectations have been increased which has undermined the performance of GP which was also supported by the studies conducted by Mason, (2014).
Given the question about the room for improvement, many of the respondents suggested a need for a problem-solving mechanism that would cater to the needs and requirements of the people. In addition to this, some of the respondents recommended that with the adequate amount of funding, NHS must adjust their staffing in an efficient manner which would help in the timely acquisition of the appointments and cut down the waiting time for the patients which was also supported by a survey conducted by annual British Social Attitudes (BSA). On the other hand, a few respondents suggested adjusting the visiting hours of the GPs on weekends to facilitate a large number of patients thus verifying with the research proposed by Gershlick, Charlesworth and Taylor (2015).
The research was conducted with the main aim of finding service users perceptions regarding GP practices. For this matter, the first session was designed, which included a brief introduction to the research, and the aims and objectives were outlined according to the main aim of the study. Following the study’s main aim, the quantitative method gathered the information and analysed it. The questionnaire was designed with close and open-ended questions for concluding. This instrument has been considered the most suitable and effective way of data collection due to the legitimacy of the quantitative reasoning results.
The questionnaire and methodology were also significant because analysis could only focus on assessing the major issues professed by the individuals in terms of what has been done and why and what could be the timely measures taken for the better implementation. The questionnaire assisted in making sound analyses and evaluations and achieving the main aims and objectives of the study. After a brief explanation and the justification for the chosen methodology, the questionnaire was distributed amongst the 50 students of UCB. It has been identified that the chosen respondents could give a more authentic response regarding the GP services and make the analysis of the findings. The findings also helped draw conclusions and provide recommendations for improvements in a GP practice and future research.
I conducted the research to identify and acknowledge the perceptions and opinions of the NHS service users to determine the lacking and gaps with regards to the services offered by the NHS. I used the quantitative method of research analysis to quantify the research outcomes into a numerical representation. For my feasibility and convenience, I gathered the information from the campus building by asking survey questions from 50 students at the UCB, ensuring them that this data would not be used for future references and complete anonymity. By their personal information, I would ensure that confidentiality would be maintained by all means. With the data collected, I was able to determine that many people frequently used the NHS services and were not satisfied with the services in terms of the long waiting times to get the appointment and consult the GP within the NHS.
Therefore, the respondents’ major population suggested enhancing the working hours of the GP with quite a few adjustments to be made on the weekends to facilitate the people who were unable to consult the GP on the weekdays. Furthermore, I was provided that if the patient had to consult the GP on an urgent basis, it was merely impossible to get the appointment the same day. Therefore, I concluded that many respondents depicted a negative experience in terms of the NHS and were not pleased with their local GPs. There was a major need for improvement regarding the NHS services to cater to the needs and demands of their own people in the best possible means.
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