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Type of Academic Paper – Dissertation Proposal
Academic Subject – Architecture
Word Count – 793 words
Sustainable Architecture has established a contemporary methodology in the engineering of material selection planning and sustainable designs. This section of the paper presents an exclusive summary of the material’s productivity for sustainable architecture (Ekins, 2007). Economic developments, social effects, ecological impacts and environmental issues will also be presented in this section. The main contents of the paper include;
This section of the paper presents the Background of study; constituent materials details and advantages of materials such as Ferro-cement, concrete and steel will be discussed in this chapter. The following subject headings will be presented;
The details of the available literature from previous research papers, including journals, experimentations and publications in books related to the presented study, are included. General
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The Findings will be presented through the attainment of results and discussion in this section of the paper. Analyses of the key information presented will be completed, and qualitative and quantitative data will be included in tabulated and graphical forms. To strengthen the argumentations included, appropriately referenced prospective will be included from the previous research articles to compare the research findings.
The conclusion will be included at the end of the research, including the primary findings of the work completed. Through the specific inclusion of developed arguments from the 6 http://www.researchprospect.com/ previous chapters, the detailed finding will be presented. This section would further include future prospective concerning recommendations for further work.
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