Discover 40+ Social Media Dissertation Topics for Conducting Research Studies
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at August 29th, 2024 , Revised On October 24, 2024Social media has become a part of our lives, whether we want to indulge in it or not. It has become a necessity to use, from staying updated with global events to sharing fun-filled content with our friends and family.
We use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp, Reddit, Quora, and so on for different purposes and, in turn, get some pros and cons unknowingly.
According to Statista, until April 2024, there were 5.44 billion internet users globally, which is 67.1% of the world’s population. 5.07 billion of them were social media users, which is 62.6% of the world’s population.
The above stats indicate that if you are looking for a psychology, media, or journalism dissertation, try to pick a topic related to social media to cater to the billions of people using social media platforms and conduct research studies on topics that are beneficial for people.
Social Media Dissertation Topics on Different Niches
Social media is all around us, creating an impact on our social, political, economic, educational, family life, and so on. Don’t you think it is better to discuss the role of digital platforms in our lives? You can read the topics below and familiarise yourself with unique ideas to discuss in your international paper related to your dissertation topic.
Let’s explore different dissertation topics on social media and their research aims to better understand the role of digital media platforms in enticing humans’ actions or reactions towards others.
Social Media and Humans
Topic 1: An analysis of how social media has become a transformative shift in communicative channels
Research Aim: Highlight the shift that social media has brought in our lives from communicating through letters to communicating through direct messages using social apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc.
Indicate the ease it has created in connecting with people across the globe.
Topic 2: Is social media a blessing in disguise?
Research Aim: In your research writing, discuss the pros and cons of social media in our lives to deal with your topic. Is it a blessing in disguise? Make sure to showcase the positive impact of the digital world on common people to support your literature review with strong arguments.
Topic 3: Role of social media in the betterment of society
Research Aim: There is no doubt a significant role has been played by digital communication apps in improving the intellect or living standards of humans. Portray the live examples available on the digital sphere to encourage people to use it for playing their part towards making an ideal society.
Topic 4: Social media and its impact in creating awareness about gender equality
Research Aim: Social media has played an important role in creating awareness about gender equality and its benefits for making a tolerant and liveable society for every faction. It can be an impact-making research study to encourage more people to practise just actions towards other genders.
Topic 5: Is Social media the right place to hold unaccountable’s accountable?
Research Aim: Now, people have become more empowered and educated to ask questions from governments or people through social media apps by using different formats like memes, parodies, sarcastic jokes, etc.
Highlight the use of social media platforms to hold anyone accountable while remaining within legal or ethical limits.
Impact of Social Media on Our Mental Health
Topic 6: The role of social media in narrative building
Research Aim: Discuss the role of social media in building false narratives to mislead people by bombarding them with orchestrated information, resulting in making them believe without asking questions about what they are receiving through digital apps.
Topic 7: How business giants have utilised the power of social media in scaling the customer base
Research Aim: You can present the case studies of global business giants who have utilised the power of social media to promote their products and upsell the average products in your social media dissertation.
If you are struggling to write a case study, you can check this case study sample and get the same premium quality written by our experts for yourself.
Topic 8: Role of social media in spreading the sense of depravity
Research Aim: To educate social media users that the luxurious lives of people they follow make them feel deprived. They think of themselves as the only ones deprived of luxuries while everyone else is enjoying them. But in reality, the truth is different.
Topic 9: Role of cyberbullying in shattering people’s confidence on Digital Spaces
Research Aim: It is the most dangerous element of the digital world. You can discuss how it works and shatters the confidence of people by getting criticised or bullied by people residing overseas who have not met them personally.
Topic 10: Impact of trending syndrome on our mental health
Research Aim: You can discuss the negative impact of trending syndrome prevalent on social media on our mental health to make people aware that they are unconsciously falling prey to believing or following everything that is in the trend without thinking that it is beneficial for them or not.
Role of Social Media and the World of Marketing
Topic 11: Role of social media in opening new marketing streams
Research Aim: Talk about the different types of marketing avenues opened through social media platforms like targeted, local, performance-based marketing, and so on.
That has allowed businesses to yield the maximum number of customers available on digital apps by showing them ads or other marketing materials.
Topic 12: Social media a stage for global marketing
Research Aim: You can discuss the role of social media in making the whole world a stage for marketing to people interested in marketing dissertation topics.
List the benefits of running ads on digital apps to acquire customers out of your town as well as to increase the sales of your business products and services to make your company a multi-national corporation (MNC). It is believed to be the best business dissertation topic related to social media platforms.
Topic 13: Fall of traditional marketing due to the rise in social media marketing
Research Aim: Turn the audience’s attention towards the influence of social media marketing in bringing the fall of traditional marketing to help them understand the real power of the digital world.
Present the reasons why switching to digitalisation is not a choice but a necessary action to perform to stay relevant in this world.
Topic 14: How to use social media for doing personalised targeting to achieve high ROI
Research Aim: Emphasise the benefits of personalised targeting for achieving a high return on investment in your study. So that more and more people would turn towards social media marketing and leave the old ineffective tactics to boost their business sales.
Topic 15: Is social media becoming a place to promote consumerism?
Research Aim: Make your readers aware of the tactics used through social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc, to promote consumerism by showing the ads repeatedly based on the users’ search intent.
You can lay out the whole structure by using data analysis to support your arguments with evidence in the literature review or analysis. It is the best social media dissertation topic on impulse buying.
Topic 16: The role of social media in increasing business responsibilities towards customers
Research Aim: You can create awareness about the increased responsibilities that existing businesses or people looking to start a business have due to social media. Now, brands and customers are more close to each other than they were before the digitalisation of the world.
This closeness brings more responsibilities to brands for caring and catering to customers quickly without any delay.
The above are some of the best social media marketing dissertation topics for your research study. Make sure to alter the presented topics according to your requirements.
Social Media and Youth
Topic 17: How to use social media for delivering civic education
Research Aim: You can use your dissertation as a guiding light for the youth by discussing the framework and strategies to implement for delivering civic education using the digital apps available on the internet. Promote the use of communication apps for sharing knowledge with youngsters around the globe.
Topic 18: How social media is becoming a destructive addiction for youth
Research Aim: Highlight the negative effects of social media platforms on youth leading towards addiction. Explain the bad effects of any kind of addiction on people’s lives, especially in manipulating the realities or social fabric of society. Make the youngsters aware of how their normal use of social media apps is turning into an addiction.
Topic 19:Social media a place providing ease of accessing information for youth
Research Aim: Talk about the ease social media has brought in accessing information of all kinds for the young generation, which is available on digital media worldwide. Present the fruits of using the internet world to acquire information related to your personal interests.
Topic 20: Role of social media in bridging the gap between youngsters and literary culture
Research Aim: Introduce in your study the role of social media apps in bridging the gap between youngsters and the literary culture to nourish men of culture in your society. It would be an impact-making study that has a practical framework and useful tips to follow for devising strategies to implement.
Topic 21:Social media and its Power in helping youth to shift global political dynamics
Research Aim: Present the examples and practical strategies to follow for using social media as a paradigm shifter whether in national or global politics. Use statistics and share statistical analysis of the past and recent examples of massive change in dynamics due to youth’s unwavering voice in the digital world.
Social Media Dissertation Topics on Law
Here is a list of topics that you can use in your law dissertation to conduct an impact-making study for the world. Feel free to change these topics according to your requirements to better suit the conditions.
If you are struggling to write a dissertation proposal or an essay, you can get help from our expert writers so you do not miss the submission deadline.
- Laws that need to be changed according to the new dynamics of social media
- Importance of legislation against defamation on social media
- Social media is a prevalent threat to the protection of users’ personal information
- Legal consequences of digital harassment on social media platforms
- Legal implications of emerging technologies using social media platforms like deep fake
Social Media Dissertation Topics on Psychology
Below are the dissertation topics on the psychology of humans and how it gets influenced through social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, Instagram, and so on. Feel free to use the below topics as an example to narrow down a topic from your clustered thoughts.
- Role of social media in influencing humans towards impulsive buying
- Rise in depression due to excessive use of social media platforms
- Social media apps and their role in promoting the inferiority complex among users
- Opinion building through digital platforms leads to cognitive biases in humans
- Negative effects of consuming triggering content on social media on our mental health
Innovative Dissertation Topics on Social Media
Everyone wants something unique and innovative to discuss in their dissertation writings. We’ll help you familiarise yourself with some interesting dissertation topics so that you will get an idea about innovative ideas.
- Utilising social media platforms to foster harmony between political workers of different parties
- Role of social media in promoting loneliness and sleep depravity, especially in youngsters
- Ethics of dealing with trolling on social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc
- Is there a cultural shift in civilisations due to the exposure of digital media platforms
- Implications of geotagging for personal privacy and on freedom of movement
Social Science Dissertation Topics on Social Media
Social science dissertation students can also discuss the role of social media in conducting social welfare and other activities to highlight the relationship between social media and social sciences.
- Increased effectiveness in social work activities due to social media platforms
- Educating about social movements throughout history using digital media apps
- Role of social media platforms in coping with mental health stigmas on a larger scale
- Spreading awareness about domestic violence through digital apps
- Role of social media in deteriorating social identities of billions of users
Tourism Dissertation Topics on Social Media
If you are looking to present the relationship between tourism and social media platforms and how conventional tourism has turned into digital tourism due to the digitalisation of the world. You can consider the topics below to get an idea for your full dissertation and feel free to mould the key concept according to your requirements.
- Role of social media in spreading awareness about the tourist sites across the globe
- Exploration of hidden tourist sites by getting hints from social media communities
- How social media platforms have played a key role in promoting disease-free tourism
- Post-pandemic advertising strategies by tourism companies on social media platforms
- Role of social media in selecting travelling spots with complete background information
Benefits of Working on Social Media Dissertation Topics
If you want to create awareness about the role of social media platforms in our lives from selecting tourist attractions to mobilising youth then what’s better than working on dissertation topics related to digital media?
It helps you to educate people about the pros and cons of using it and how people are getting impacted by it knowingly or unknowingly. Get yourself ready to make an impact in the research world by getting hints from 40+ topics discussed above.
Make sure to use the topics as a touchstone for formulating a strong topic that is beneficial for people based on broad research aims. Don’t copy and paste them as they are, and try to alter them according to your requirements and objectives to write an impactful dissertation study.
Social media is an unforgettable reality now, so it is better to discuss its pros and cons in your research papers, essays, and dissertations to spread awareness around the globe. Make sure to go through the social media dissertation topics discussed above on different niches to formulate a well-crafted topic for your dissertation.
Try to come up with ideas that are worth discussing in order to conduct impact-making research that is of some use to people across the globe. If your submission deadline is near and you are still struggling to choose the topic for your study.
Don’t waste a minute anymore and consult Research Prospect to get your work done by the academic experts within no time so that you won’t miss out on your submission deadline.
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To narrow down a social media marketing dissertation topic, you need to choose your field of interest, then gather relevant data, and find the most interesting element among all to select one close to your priorities.
To find an ideal social media dissertation topic you should track the trending news or events related to the digital world and after that narrow down the marked topics.
Yes, we have expert dissertation writers who are adaptable at working back and forth on different topics without compromising quality to deliver the dissertation to you before your submission deadline.