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Research Paper Template to Follow for Standard Article Publishing

Published by at October 23rd, 2024 , Revised On November 5, 2024

University students are always on the go to find a research paper template that would be a perfect structure for writing. Because when you think of publishing your first academic paper, the first question that arises in your mind is what would be the format or structure of it?

There is no one defined structure or template for academic writing because different universities or journals follow different formats. Some institutions prefer MLA, while others prefer APA style of referencing or formatting for their publications.

Though there is a bit of difference in formatting, some basic elements remain the same, like writing abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, analysis, conclusion, and references or citations.

The overall structure remains the same, and some minor changes, like the font size or style of formatting, make the difference.

What is a Research Paper?

According to the Cambridge Research Organisation, “A research paper is a meticulously structured document that showcases the outcomes of an inquiry, exploration, or scrutiny undertaken on a specific subject.”

In simple words, it is a study conducted by one or usually more than one author on a specific topic of wider interest to fill the research gap. It is usually backed with arguments supported by references in the form of quotes, opinions, and so on, for backing up the content with credible sources.

For more clarity, you can read our previous blog on what is meant by a research paper?

Research Paper Template to Consider for Your Own Studies

Here is an exemplary academic research paper template for you to consider as a touchstone and mould it according to your journal or university requirements. The below format is usually followed by the researchers globally with minor changes according to their requirements.

Title of Paper

The title of your research study being conducted and then the author or authors’ name in case of more than one contributor, and then the name of the research supervisor or instructor, whatever you want to call the assistance provider.

Lastly, the publishing date is according to the international journal publishing standards.


The precise summary of the whole study which indicates the problem and its solution presented by the researcher.


It contains the background information of the study, like an overview of the concepts being discussed, along with the thesis statement, research gap, and so on, to create a stepping stone for constituting the whole paper.


Discuss the research methodology approach you are going to use like qualitative or quantitative, and the techniques used for data collection like random sampling, snowball sampling, interviews, questionnaires, structured or unstructured observation, focused groups, etc.

Literature Review

Use the quotes or statements that you have marked to support your arguments using the required citation techniques to keep the content free from plagiarism. You can consider adding sentences from books, journals, movies, documentaries, and whatever you found to be relevant to your research aims.

Analysis/ Findings/Discussions/Results

You can title it as what you are advised to do, as it is the section where you can contextualise your research by presenting your analysis and findings regarding the research aims you want to achieve.

You can also present your findings in comparison with other investigations related to the same field of research.


Recap your whole arguments or findings in this section to provide an ending note about the whole research context you have constituted in all the above sections. Usually, the implications for future research are presented in this section.

References/ Works Cited

References/ Works cited, whatever you name it, the purpose is to provide a list of complete track of all the things you have cited in the paper so that whoever wants to cross-check the authenticity of citations or use it for their studies can do it easily.

Appendix (If Required)

It is usually added in the last section of the research study to provide supplementary information about things that are not directly relevant to the subject but for the audience may be. It usually contains graphs, charts, maps, or like ones elements.

Is There Any Defined Structure for a Research Paper?

No, there is no defined structure for writing a research paper available because the requirements vary from format to format, like MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard, and so on. You should read the referencing guide to learn how to add references to your paper appropriately.

The template outlined above is a generic one that is equally useful for people following any of the formats required by their institution or journal. You can use it as a basic structure and shape it according to your requirements or preferences.

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What are the Best Research Paper Formats?

There is not any best research paper format available as of now, because every format is unique and equally beneficial for the world of academia, be it APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, and so on.

Formatting requirements are basically different from each other like font choices, page layout, headings style and font size, and the style of writing a reference list as well. You can choose whatever suits you, and for managing references, consider platforms like Mendeley, Endnote, and so on to keep your citations organised or saved simultaneously.

Let’s have a look at the complete guide on different formatting styles to understand the difference between them.

How to Write Paper According to the APA Format?

Here is a precise summary of the APA formatting requirements to follow for writing a research paper.

  1. Make sure to choose the 12 pt Times New Roman or 11 pt Arial font for writing text.
  2. Make sure to indent every new paragraph ½ inch.
  3. Keep the double spacing between the lines of the text.
  4. Don’t make page margins more than 1 inch.
  5. When going for publication, insert an APA running head on each page of the document.

Requirements for Headings

Below is a table providing APA guidelines for writing headlines according to different levels.

Level APA Style for Writing Headings (7th ed.)
1. Centred, Bold, Title Case

Writing begins on a new line (indent first line).

2. Left-aligned, Bold, Title Case

Writing begins on a new line (indent first line).

3. Left-aligned, Bold, Italic, Title Case

The text begins on a new line (indent first line).

4. Indented, Bold, Title Case, Period. The text begins on the same line.
5. Indented, Bold, Italic, Title Case, Period. The text begins on the same line.

Writing Reference Page

You can use any APA style citation generator for organising references in the required format to get things done with ease. Otherwise, make sure to add the name of the author or date while adding in-text citations. In your study throughout the text, and add a dedicated reference page at the end of your document.

If you are confused about whether my paper is in the right format or not, you can consult our expert writers to get your paper reviewed and aligned with the formatting requirements to help you pass the phase of writing to publishing.

How to Write Paper According to MLA Format?

We have extracted the MLA research paper formatting requirements for you in simple steps to follow them with ease while conducting your study.

  1. Make sure to enhance the readability of the text by using fonts like 12 pt Times New Roman.
  2. Page Margins need to be set at 1 inch
  3. Use double line spacing to maintain readability
  4. Make indentations of every new paragraph by ½ inch.
  5. Follow consistent Capitalisation rules for title cases and headings.

Style Requirements for the First Page

Make sure the heading appears above your title page of a research paper formatted according to the MLA style.

  • Author full name
  • Supervisor or Instructor’s name
  • Course code or number
  • Due date of submission

Page Header Format

Place your surname and the page number in your header or place at the top of each page in your document.

Works Cited Page

You need to add in-text citations after every reference you jot between the text and the full citation, with a complete list at the end of the document in a dedicated section.

How to Write Paper According to Chicago Format?

Chicago style of formatting research papers is also known as (the Turabian Style) the guidelines are pretty much the same as the above formats discussed, but some minor changes need to be considered while writing the content.

  1. Use a standard font of 12 pt Times New Roman as you have to do in MLA or APA format for writing text.
  2. You can make the margins 1 inch or larger for your pages throughout the document.
  3. Make sure to use the double line spacing between text for better readability.
  4. Indent every new paragraph in your content by ½ inch.
  5. Position the page number of the document in the top right or bottom centre.

Research Paper Title Page Format

There is no requirement to add a title page in the Chicago format, but you can follow the Turabian format if you want to do so. You can also read some tips on writing the title page in this blog for better understanding.

Format to Follow for Bibliography or Reference List

There are two citation styles offered by Chicago to follow while formatting your research paper. One requires you to add the author name and date alongside each other, and the second requires you to add footnote citations along a bibliography list in your documents.

You can name the citations as a reference list or bibliography and add all the used sources in this section using one of the above methods.


A research paper template can be the next step for you towards writing a remarkable paper, but make sure to add or remove sections according to your university or journal publishing guidelines. Whatever formatting style you choose, be it the MLA, APA, or Chicago one, try to comply with the requirements discussed above to craft the perfect piece of study.

If your submission deadline is just at hand and you are halfway in your journey, then look for an expert partner like ResearchProspect to help you get through the journey on time. Sometimes, consultation with expert writers helps you burst the myths you have in your mind about research papers or the writing process.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can write a research paper template as presented above by combining the synonymous requirements of the article publishing by universities or journals and then outline the same steps in a logical order.

To write an abstract for a research paper template, try to concise the whole information available in a few sentences indicating each important point.

You can use the above research paper template for writing social sciences, humanities, scientific, and every field of study paper as it is outlined according to the standard format of publishing.

About Ellie Cross

Avatar for Ellie CrossEllie Cross is the Content Manager at ResearchProspect, assisting students for a long time. Since its inception, She has managed a growing team of great writers and content marketers who contribute to a great extent to helping students with their academics.