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The operations of today’s organization have provided possibilities and problems for business practitioners and policymakers. Acknowledging such a dynamic is critical for achieving organizational strategic goals (Cristian-Liviu, 2013). Businesses each have a distinct method of doing things through time and a different environment and vibe (Ghaibi, Dâassi, and Ayed, 2017).
There are references to organizational culture viewpoints. Organizational culture evolves through time to cope with such dynamic changes and satisfy the varied demands of employee performance and perceptions, impacting most organizations’ strategic management. As a social phenomenon, it has been validated as improving and maintaining strategic management. And the pattern of shared basic assumptions that a group learned solved its outward adaption and internal integration difficulties (Lubis and Hanum, 2020). Therefore, going deep into strategic management is crucial to find its impact on the organizational culture.
This research aims to analyze the role of strategic management in altering the organizational culture without affecting employees’ performance in large multinational organizations in Malta. It has the following objectives:
This research will answer the following questions:
Strategic management plays a significantly positive role in altering the organizational culture without affecting employees’ performance in large multinational organizations in Malta.
According to Ogunkoya (2019), this study looks at cultural views and strategic management in manufacturing businesses to determine the link between culture and strategic management. The research was carried out among cement production companies. The survey research design was used in this study. And using a basic random selection approach, 195 employees were picked from a total of 376 employees.
And to obtain data from the participants, a questionnaire survey was used. The primary data collected from the questionnaires distributed to respondents were utilized to evaluate the hypothesis developed for this study. Data analysis approaches such as linear and multiple regression were used to validate the study’s premise. According to the findings, there is a significant association between culture and strategic management.
Similarly, according to Tawfig and Kamarudin (2021), this research aims to look at the impact of strategic human resource management techniques in achieving long-term competitiveness, with organizational culture and strategic leadership acting as a buffer. The study model was established and understood using a resource-based perspective.
A cross-sectional study was used to collect data from 191 respondents using convenience sample procedures. Employees from many public and commercial banks provided primary data. Spss 21 software was used to analyze the data using structural equation approaches. According to the conclusions of this study, strategic human resource management methods directly affect strategic leadership and organizational culture. On the other hand, strategic leadership and corporate culture were shown to moderate the link between strategic human resource management and long-term competitive advantages.
Although there is a large body of research in organizational culture and strategic management, no such study explicitly determines the relationship between both. Most of the work finds both variables’ effects on other factors, such as organizational performance, or as mediating factors. Therefore, this study will fill this vast literature gap by finding a direct relationship between both variables. On top of that, it will also identify whether it is possible to alter organizational culture through strategic management with affecting employee performance.
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It will be quantitative research based on the primary data collected through the large multinational organizations in Malta. The data will be collected through an online survey via a google form. The targeted population will be managers and team members of various projects in large multinational organizations in Malta.
For inclusion criterion, only managers with five years of experience and employees with two years of experience will be questioned because more experienced will be better than they can answer. It will increase the validity and reliability of the research. And to test the hypothesis as suggested by the literature, a linear regression model will be used to find the impact of strategic management on the organizational culture, and a similar impact will be calculated for employee performance. And all this analysis will be done in SPSS.
Cristian-Liviu, V. (2013). Organizational culture and strategy: How does it work? An empirical research. Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science Series, 22(1), 1690-1696.
Ghaibi, N., Dâassi, O., & Ayed, L. (2017, November). A tool support for adapting user interfaces based on a business rules management system. In. Proceedings of the 29th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, 162-169.
Lubis, F., & Hanum, F. (2020, December). Organizational culture. In. 2nd Yogyakarta international conference on educational management/administration and pedagogy (YICEMAP 2019), 88-91.
Ogunkoya, O. (2019). Organizational Culture Perspectives And Strategic Management In The Nigeria Manufacturing Industry. Nigerian Journal of Management Sciences, 7(1).
Tawfig, N., & Kamarudin, S. (2021). Role of Strategic Human Resource Management Practices on the Achieving of Sustainable Competitive Advantages: The Mediation Role of Strategic Leadership and Organizational Culture. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 11(5), 583-604.
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