Mistakes you Should Avoid in Writing the Dissertation Questionnaire
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at January 26th, 2023 , Revised On October 9, 2023The dissertation questionnaire is an essential part of your research, which will help you collect information from your participants. Therefore, a good questionnaire should cover all aspects of your research question.
However, writing an effective questionnaire is not an easy task. There are some common mistakes that you should avoid while designing your questionnaire.
The following are some common mistakes you should avoid when writing a dissertation questionnaire:
Not Enough Time was Spent on Writing the Questionnaire
You should spend enough time designing the questionnaire as it is one of the essential parts of your dissertation questionnaire. You can start by brainstorming all the questions you want to include in your research and then decide if you need any additional questions based on time constraints or other factors.
You must also understand that some questions may be challenging to answer for your participants or may not have been asked before by others. In such cases, make sure that they are easy to understand and answer so that there is no confusion among participants while answering them.
Not Considering Participants’ Background
You must consider the different backgrounds of participants while writing a dissertation questionnaire because this will help you choose better words for questions and make them more understandable for everyone.
Don’t Ask The Same Questions to All Participants
The dissertation questionnaire should be designed to be different for each participant. If you ask the same question to everyone, it will not provide you with any helpful information.
Don’t Include Too Many Questions
You can have up to 15-20 questions in a questionnaire but make sure they are relevant and essential for your dissertation project. If you have more than 20 questions, it will be difficult for the participants to answer them.
Be Careful About Double-Barreled Questions
A double-barreled question is a type of question with two parts, but the respondent answers only one part.
For example: “I like music because it allows me to express myself and my emotions”. The correct way would be, “I like music because it allows me to express myself and feel emotions”. In this example, both parts should be answered directly by the respondent using ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers so they don’t need to think about what they should say next.
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Writing Words Like ‘Always’, ‘Never’
Do not use words like ‘always’, ‘never’, ‘sometimes’, etc., as this might lead to ambiguity in your results. It might also make it difficult for respondents to respond accurately and truthfully. Especially if they do not have any prior knowledge about the topic under consideration or if they are new to your field of study or research area.
Not Writing a Clear, Concise Questionnaire
A good dissertation questionnaire should be clear and concise. Be careful about double-barreled questions. If you are unsure how to write the questionnaire, you can get help from your supervisor. They would know what is appropriate for such a project and can guide you in the right direction.
Avoiding Double Negative
Double negatives are incorrect grammatical constructions that create ambiguity in sentences. For example, “I don’t know anything about this” means I know something about this. So, when you use double negatives, it creates confusion and ambiguity in your research results.
Not Giving Example Time for Respondents to Answer your Questions
You need to give enough time for people to answer all your questions because they might take time to think over each question before they respond! Also, if someone starts answering right away without thinking about it carefully, then there are chances that they might not understand what exactly is being asked.
Use of Slang Words
Slang words are informal terms used by young people or people from different cultures to express themselves easily without using correct grammar or spelling. Such words may sound funny and cute on paper.
However, they do not allow an accurate interpretation of your research findings by readers or respondents because of improper use and understanding. So, avoid using slang words at all costs if you want to get good results out of your research project!
Not Providing Sufficient Instructions for Completing the Questionnaire
The instructions must be clear and precise so that respondents can easily understand them. In addition, providing examples of possible answers is advisable to ensure that respondents answer your questions correctly.
Not Having a Privacy Statement
In most cases, you will be required to have a privacy statement that informs respondents how their personal information will be used and how they can opt-out of participating in your study if they want to do so.
The dissertation questionnaire is a vital component of any scientific or research work methodology; therefore, it should be written with great attention to detail. Your grammar and syntax have to be perfect while writing a dissertation.
Furthermore, your survey questions have to be unbiased. It is essential to prevent errors introduced by beginners and the psychological obstacles everyone faces when trying a new type of activity.
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Common mistakes in writing a Dissertation Questionnaire include vague or biased questions, using jargon, and lacking clear instructions, leading to unreliable data.