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How Do I Cite the Constitution in MLA? | A Step-To-Step Guide

Published by at February 25th, 2025 , Revised On February 25, 2025

Imagine you’re writing a comprehensive research paper requiring particular information from the Constitution to support your arguments. After writing the particular information, you would want to cite it in your paper as per your academic requirements. However, you have no idea how to do that. If you’re also thinking, “How do I cite the constitution in MLA?” you’re in the right place. This blog will efficiently guide you through all the methods of citing a constitution in MLA.

Citing data sources, such as the Constitution, is crucial to make your research paper credible and plagiarism-free. If someone doesn’t know how to cite the Constitution in MLA, they can’t reap these key benefits. If you’re also looking for ways to authenticate your academic paper, what are you waiting for? Browse through this blog right away. 

This blog thoroughly focuses on the MLA citation format, the importance of citing a constitution in MLA, practical examples, and common mistakes to avoid while citing a constitution in MLA. 

What is MLA Citation?

MLA citation is a referencing style that uses standards and guidelines of the Modern Language Association to mention different data sources in academic papers. MLA citation is mainly used in academic disciplines like English, Sociology, Arts, and philosophy. There are more styles of citation, such as APA, Chicago, and Harvard, but MLA is widely used because of its uniformity, simplicity, and understandability. 

MLA requires students to follow all its rules and regulations when citing data from books, online databases, magazines, and journals. Not everyone is familiar with these guidelines, so they face different issues. In this blog, the Constitution is the literature medium under consideration for MLA citation. 

  • Why cite a constitution in MLA?

A constitution is defined as a set of fundamental rules and regulations that determine how a country or state is run. As citation is done in the case of books, magazines, journals, and databases to credit the author, similarly, the constitution is cited in MLA. However, the only difference in the case of the Constitution is that it doesn’t have an author. That is why its citation style varies in MLA. 

  • Format of citing a constitution in MLA

Here is the format for citing a constitution in MLA:

 Works Cited: Title of Constitution. Article or Amendment Number, Section Number, Clause   Number (if applicable). Title of Source (if applicable) Publisher, Year. 

 In-Text Citation: (Title of Constitution, Art. X, Sec. X)

  • Example of citing a constitution in MLA

 Works Cited: United States Constitution. Art. I, Sec. 8. 

 In-Text Citation: The US Congress can regulate commerce between states, as mentioned in the Commerce Clause (US Const., Art, I, Sec. 8).

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Importance of Citing a Constitution in MLA

Here are the benefits of citing a constitution in MLA: 

  • It helps to maintain academic integrity

The main benefit of citing a constitution in MLA is maintaining academic integrity. Students are supposed to follow every scholarly guideline and standard when writing academic or research papers. Citing the constitution from which the data is taken significantly shows that the written information is inspired by something authentic. 

  • It helps to avoid plagiarism 

Maintaining originality in papers and custom essays is crucial, as it demonstrates the creative writing and research skills of academic writers. MLA citations are a significant way of acknowledging the original source. It efficiently saves the data from misrepresenting as your own, which ultimately helps to avoid plagiarism. 

  • It allows readers to verify data sources

MLA citations are a great way to support the arguments that you present in your academic paper. However, it also provides a chance for readers to locate the original sources and verify them efficiently. This significantly ensures their transparency. Moreover, reliable and authentic sources increase readers’ trust in your paper. 

  • It helps to facilitate further research

Another benefit of citing the constitution in MLA is that it helps to facilitate further research. When accurate and precise data sources are mentioned in the papers, students effortlessly navigate them and deeply delve into the respective subject. You not only provide them with top-tier material but also research waged behind it. 

  • It enhances the credibility of the work 

Citing the constitution in MLA also enhances the credibility of your academic work. As the Constitution is used while writing the coursework of legal and political disciplines, authenticity and legality are essential in that case. When students use MLA to cite sources, it not only enhances their credibility but also increases their chances of getting published. 

Different Citation Methods for Different Constitutions

Citing legal documents like constitutions in MLA is complicated. This is because every country has a different constitution, and its MLA referencing style varies accordingly. Here we’re going to discuss the methods of citing UK and US constitutions. 

The US has a very codified Constitution, as it is very clear and centralised. Despite being amended 27 times, it consists of only one document. On the other hand, the UK constitution is not codified, as its key documents are not contained in a single document. 

When citing both the UK and US constitutions in academic papers, in-text citations are used, however, works cited are not only in the case of the US constitution. However, in rare cases instructors can require students to add works cited while citing the US constitution. 

General Elements While Citing the Constitution in MLA

Here are the general elements that must be kept in mind while citing the constitution in MLA: 

UK Act Title: When citing the UK constitution, the title of the act comes at the start of the citation. 
Act Year: After the title of the act comes the year of the act when it was passed. 
 US   Abbreviation: The title of the constitution comes at the start of the citation. It is written in its abbreviated form, like “U.S. Const.”. 
Article Number: After the constitution’s abbreviation comes the article number in Roman numerals. It is written as “Art X”. 
Section Number: The section number is written after the article number, separated by a comma. It is written as “Sec X”. 
Clause Number: Clause number comes at the end of the MLA citation. This is how it is abbreviated “cl X”, separated by a comma. 

Method 1: Citing the UK Constitution in MLA

Here are the different methods of citing the UK constitution in MLA: 

Method 1.1: How to cite a print UK constitution in MLA?

Print constitutions are those that are usually available in bookish form. They provide an efficient medium of information without any electronic drive. Sometimes, assignment writers use data and information from print constitutions. So, it is cited accordingly in MLA. Here is how you can cite a print constitution in MLA: 

Works Cited: Title of Document. Edition (if applicable), Publisher, Year. 

 Magna Carta. Oxford University Press, 2010. 

In-Text Citation: (Title of Document page number)

 (Magna Carta 45)

Method 1.2: How to cite an online UK constitution in MLA?

Nowadays, the increasing trend of online education has facilitated the availability of online data sources. When academic writers use information from the online constitution, it is cited differently as compared to the print one. Here is the format and example of citing an online constitution in MLA: 

Works Cited: Title of Document. Website Name, Publisher (if available), Publication/Last Updated Date, URL, Accessed Date. 

 Bill of Rights 1689. The National Archives, legislation.gov.uk,  http://www.legislation.gov.uk/aep/WillandMarSess2/1/2. Accessed 17 Feb. 2025. 

In-Text Citation: (Title of Document sec. #)

 (Bill of Rights 1969, sec. 1)

Method 1.3: How to cite a historical UK constitution in MLA?

Sometimes, students are required to use a historical version of the Constitution. It doesn’t mean the whole constitution. It could be a particular section or act of that constitution. Citing it in MLA is similar to the current version. However, the years have changed. This is how you can efficiently cite a historical constitution in MLA: 

Works Cited: Title of Document. Year. Collection Name, Repository, City.

 The Petition of Right. 1628. Parliamentary Archives, London.  

In-Text Citation: (Title of Document year)

 (The Petition of Right 1628)

Method 1.4: How to cite a UK constitution in footnotes and endnotes?

Footnotes and endnotes are significant sources for providing additional information. This is why, sometimes, teachers require students to cite the Constitution in footnotes and endnotes instead of citing it in MLA in-text sentences. Follow the format and example given below to cite a constitution in footnotes and endnotes. 

Works Cited (Footnote/Endnote): Title of Document, section or article number, Publisher, Year. 

 Footnote: Bill of Rights 1689, sec. 1, The National Archives, 1689. 

 Endnote: The Petition of Right, 1628, Parliamentary Archives, London. 

Method 2: Citing the US Constitution in MLA

Here are the different methods of citing the US Constitution in MLA: 

Method 2.1: How to cite an amendment to the US Constitution in MLA?

An amendment is defined as a formal revision or addition to the whole constitution. Sometimes, it is used by students while writing research papers. Its MLA citation is different as compared to traditional referencing. This is how an amendment is cited in MLA: 

In-Text Citation: (U.S. Const., Amend. X)

 (U.S. Const., Amend. XIV, Sec. 1)

Method 2.2: How to cite a preamble to the US Constitution in MLA?

A preamble is known as the introductory statement of the Constitution or statute. It significantly elaborates on the intent and reasons for that law. When preamble information is used in an academic paper, this is how it is cited in MLA: 

 In-Text Citation: (U.S. Const., Preamble)

Method 2.3: How to cite the US state constitutions in MLA?

Do you know? US states have different constitutions. If the constitution of a particular state is used in the writing, then there are special citation techniques for that, as every constitution has a different structure and length. Here is the format and example of citing the state constitution in MLA: 

In-Text Citation: (State Const., Art. X, Sec. X)

 (Tex. Const., Art. I, Sec. 32)

Practical Examples of Citing the Constitution in MLA

Here are the different practical examples of citing the constitution in MLA. They can thoroughly guide you. 

Example 1: Citing the Magna Carta in MLA

Works Cited: 

Magna Carta. Oxford University Press, 2010. 

In-Text Citation: 

(Magna Carta 12).

Example 2: Citing the Human Rights Act in MLA

Works Cited:

Human Rights Act 1998. The National Archives, legislation.gov.uk, https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1998/42/enacted. Accessed 17 Feb. 2025. 

In-Text Citation:

(Human Rights Act 1998, sec. 1).

Example 3: Citing the Bill of Rights in MLA

Works Cited: 

Bill of Rights 1689. The National Archives, legislation.gov.uk, https://www.legislation.gov.uk/aep/WillandMarSess2/1/2. Accessed 17 Feb. 2025. 

In-Text Citation:

(Bill of Rights 1689, sec. 5)

Example 4: Citing the Act of Settlement in MLA

Works Cited:

Act of Settlement 1701. The National Archives, legislation.gov.uk, https://www.legislation.gov.uk/aep/Will3/12-13/2. Accessed 17 Feb. 2025. 

In-Text Citation:

(Act of Settlement 1701, sec. 3)

Example 5: Citing the Parliament Acts in MLA

Works Cited:

    1. Parliament Act 1911. The National Archives, legislation.gov.uk, https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Geo5/1-2/13/enacted. Accessed 17 Feb. 2025. 

In-Text Citation:

  1. (Parliament Act 1911, sec. 2)
  2. (Parliament Act 1949, sec. 1)

Example 6: Citing the European Communities Act in MLA

Works Cited: 

European Communities Act 1972. The National Archives, legislation.gov.uk, https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1972/68/enacted. Accessed 17 Feb. 2025. 

In-Text Citation:

(European Communities Act 1972, sec. 2)

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Citing the Constitution in MLA

Here are the common mistakes that you must avoid while citing the constitution in MLA: 

  • Incorrect In-Text Citations Formatting: One of the common mistakes that students make is not properly formatting in-text citations. In-text citations should be accurate. You should double-check after citing them in MLA. 
  • Not Adding the Act Year or Amendments: Sometimes, students forget to add the Act Year or Amendment Number in the citation. These are crucial to guiding students to original data sources, so add them efficiently. 
  • Incorrect Online Citations Formatting: URLs are an essential part of online citations; however, sometimes, students mess up with them. Ensure that source links are properly incorporated in the citations for smooth access. 
  • Not Adding Citations in Works Cited: Another prominent mistake that students make is not adding citations in works cited. In-text citations have no value without works cited. So, make sure to add citations to the works cited page. 

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Table of Contents

Citing a constitution in MLA has various benefits, such as maintaining academic integrity, avoiding plagiarism, verifying data sources, facilitating further research, and enhancing the credibility of the work. 

Here is the format for citing a constitution in MLA: 

Works Cited: Title of Constitution. Article or Amendment Number, Section Number, Clause Number (if applicable). Title of Source (if applicable) Publisher, Year. 

In-Text Citation: (Title of Constitution, Art. X, Sec. X)

The main difference between the UK and US constitutions is that the former is uncodified, and the latter is codified. The UK constitution is a collection of laws, conventions, and treaties, whereas, the US constitution is a collection of articles, sections, clauses, and amendments. 

About Nellie Hughes

Avatar for Nellie HughesNellie Hughes, a proficient academic researcher and author, holds a Master's degree in English literature. With a passion for literary exploration, she crafts insightful research and thought-provoking works that delve into the depths of literature's finest nuances.