How To Cite A Podcast in MLA? | A Simple Guide For Students
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at February 24th, 2025 , Revised On February 25, 2025Do you know? The first podcast started in 2004. Since then, it has become a great medium of entertainment for listeners all over the world. The topics and issues discussed in the podcasts serve as significant sources of data and information. Moreover, they can also be used while writing respective academic research papers. However, citing them is crucial as per academic guidelines. If you want to know how to cite a podcast in MLA, you’re on the right platform.
There was a time when only facts and figures from documented material, such as books, magazines, journals, websites, and databases, were used and cited in academic papers. However, with the passage of time, all the things that were once discussed in written format started to be addressed in podcasts and audiobooks. This significantly changed the dynamics of academic writing as well as the MLA citations.
In this blog, you’ll get to understand what podcast is, when it is used in academic papers, different methods of citing it in MLA, and the benefits of citing it in MLA.
What is a Podcast?
The word “Podcast” literally refers to a particular audio show or different episodes of that show. In other words, a podcast is an online program made available in digital format so individuals can effortlessly download and listen.
Podcasts are usually organised by a podcaster who invites a guest to discuss different topics, current events, or issues for the purpose of education or to make people laugh.
When is a Podcast Used in an Academic Paper?
When different things are discussed in a podcast, different arguments are presented, and to support those arguments, different reliable and authentic sources are mentioned. Whether you find your required data from a book or not, podcasts with accurate facts and figures significantly streamline your paper-writing process. Here is when quotes or dialogues from a podcast are used in an academic paper:
To highlight expert perspectives
As you know, experts, professionals, and scholars discuss various topics in podcasts. When their points of view are expressed in academic writing, they significantly help to highlight expert perspectives on the issue under consideration.
To analyse media and communication
Analysing media and communication is important in academic fields like journalism, linguistics, and media studies. Using podcasts significantly allows students to understand the different aspects of the topic being discussed.
To support arguments with real-life examples
Sometimes, different social issues, industry trends, and case studies are discussed in podcasts. When different arguments are presented in assignments and essays, the information from podcasts helps to support them to a greater extent.
To provide a primary information source
Podcasts are also extensively helpful in providing primary information sources. For instance, when different interviews, personal experiences, and historical recordings discussed in podcasts are added to papers, they significantly increase their value.
To explore alternative point-of-views
Sometimes, instructors require students to write comprehensive academic papers discussing all the supporting and opposing perspectives. So, in this case, podcasts provide them with a whole chunk of information to write in their papers.
Basic Format and Example of Citing a Podcast in MLA
MLA is a citation style that is based on the rules and guidelines provided by Modern Languages Association. You must follow all their formats and standards to efficiently cite original data and information sources and make your papers worthy of prestigious publications. You can efficiently cite a podcast in MLA by following the appropriate format. Here is the format and example for your guidance:
Format of citing a podcast in MLA
Works Cited: Host’s Last Name, First Name, Host. “Episode Title”. Podcast Name, Season #, Episode #, Publisher, Date, URL.
In-Text Citation: (Host’s Last Name timestamp)
Example of citing a podcast in MLA
Works Cited: Gladwell, Malcolm, host. “The Big Man Can’t Shoot”. Revisionist History, Season 1. Episode 6, Pushkin Industries, 28 July 2016. Revisionist History Podcast – Malcolm Gladwell Podcast – Pushkin Industries.
In-Text Citation: (Gladwell 00:12:30 – 00:14:15).
Elements in citing a podcast in MLA
Here are the different elements used while citing a podcast in MLA:
- Author/Creator
- Title of Episode
- Title of Podcast
- Contributors
- Version
- Number
- Publisher/Sponsor
- Publication Date
- Location
Six Different Methods of Citing a Podcast in MLA
Above, we have discussed the works cited and in-text citation format and examples of citing a podcast in MLA. Now, it’s time to explore further methods of citing a podcast in MLA.
Method 1: Citing an Entire Podcast Series in MLA
When academic writers want students to check the whole podcast series, they tend to cite it entirely. This is how they cite it in MLA:
Works Cited: Host’s Last Name, First Name, host. Podcast Name, Publisher, Year Range (if available), URL.
Koenig, Sarah, host. Serial. Serial Productions, 2014 – present,
In-Text Citation: (Host’s Last Name)
Method 2: Citing a Podcast Episode in MLA
Sometimes, writers try to narrow down the credible information source by just citing a podcast episode. It allows readers only to check the particular episode from which the data is taken. This format and example will efficiently guide you to cite a podcast episode in MLA:
Works Cited: Host’s Last Name, First Name, host. “Episode Title”. Podcast Name, Season #, Episode #, Publisher, Date, URL.
Abumrad, Jad, and Robert Krulwich, hosts. “Colors”. Radiolab, Season 1, Episode 1. WNYC Studios, 18 May 2020,
In-Text Citation: (Host’s Last Name timestamp)
(Abumrad and Krulwich 00:15:45)
Method 3: Citing a Podcast with Multiple Hosts in MLA
Normally, the podcasts are hosted by a single host. However, in some cases, it might be hosted by multiple hosts. So, in this case, citing it in MLA is different. This is how you can cite a podcast with multiple hosts in MLA:
Works Cited: Host’s Last Name, First Name, et al., host. “Episode Title”. Podcast Name, Season #, Episode #, Publisher, Date, URL.
Barbaro, Michael, and Sabrina Tavernise, hosts. “The Fight Over Voting Rights”. The Daily, The New York Times, 24 June 2021,
In-Text Citation: (Hosts’ Last Name)
(Barbaro and Tavernise)
Method 4: Citing a Podcast with a Guest Speaker in MLA
Sometimes, podcasters invite guest speakers to their shows to talk about different topics and issues. Citing a podcast with a guest speaker requires a different format. This is how you can cite a guest speaker podcast in MLA:
Works Cited: Guest’s Last Name, First Name, narrator. “Episode Title”. Podcast Name, hosted by Host’s First Name Last Name, Season #, Episode #, Publisher, Date, URL.
Miranda, Lin-Manuel, narrator. “Lin-Manuel Miranda on ‘Hamilton’ and Creativity”. Fresh Air, hosted by Terry Gross, NRP, 7 July 2016,
In-Text Citation: (Guest’s Last Name timestamp)
(Miranda 00:20:10)
Method 5: Citing a Podcast without the Episode Title in MLA
Podcast episodes usually have titles. Sometimes, when there are no times, the rules of citing it in MLA change. Follow this format and examples to cite a podcast without the episode title in MLA:
Works Cited: Host’s Last Name, First Name, host. Podcast Name, Episode #, Publisher, Date, URL.
Bryant, Chuck, and Josh Clark, hosts. Stuff You Should Know. Episode 105, iHeartRadio, 10 Sept 2021,
In-Text Citation: (Host’s Last Name)
(Bryant and Clark)
Method 6: Citing a Podcast without a Host in MLA
Some podcasts don’t have a single host. Their hosts change with each episode, so they are accordingly cited in MLA. This is how you can cite a podcast without a host in MLA:
Works Cited: “Episode Title”. Podcast Name, Publisher, Date, URL.
“The Future of AI”. TED Talks Daily, TED Audio Collective, 5 March 2023,
In-Text Citation: (“Episode Title” timestamp)
(“The Future of AI” 00:08:20)
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Five Benefits of Citing a Podcast in MLA
Here are the five benefits of citing a podcast in MLA:
It helps to engage students efficiently
Postcards are audio files filled with interesting and crispy discussions. When students listen to them, they unwillingly show an interest in their content. When podcasts are cited in MLA, students not only become engaged but also curious about the subject.
It significantly enhances academic integrity
Another benefit of citing a podcast in MLA is that it helps to enhance academic integrity. When you take information from a place, you must cite it to authenticate your academic paper. When you cite a podcast, you efficiently maintain academic integrity.
It provides a clear source of information
When podcasts are cited in assignments, dissertations, essays, and papers, students tend to understand and navigate their sources effortlessly. It not only helps them to understand the research process but also provides a clear source of information.
It helps to support different claims
Podcasts contain various discussions, interviews, and narratives from experts, professionals, and researchers. Citing them in your paper not only helps to support your claims but also to strengthen its chances of getting publicly recognised.
It allows writers to explore diverse platforms
Normally, assignment writers help themselves by writing papers using books, magazines, and journals. However, with podcasts, they get the chance to explore different information platforms compared to documented mediums.
Essential Steps to Format MLA Citations in Paper
Above, we have discussed the key benefits of citing a podcast in MLA. Now, it’s time to throw light on the formatting ways to prepare an MLA paper. Maintaining clarity, consistency, and readability is essential for academic coursework, and it is only possible if you take some particular steps to ensure this. Here are the essential steps you must follow to format MLA citations in a paper:
Step 1: Follow Alphabetical Order
The first step is to follow alphabetical order. When you’re writing citations on the works cited page, alphabetical order should be followed. It is checked by observing the first letter of the first citation element.
Step 2: Use Hanging Indent
The next step is to use hanging indent while adding MLA citations. For instance, whenever you add any entry, flush the first line towards the left and indent the subsequent lines by 0.5 inches. It significantly organises the paper structure.
Step 3: Italicise All the Titles
Italicising the particular elements is also very important when citing a podcast in MLA. For instance, when citing the podcasts, the podcast titles should be italicised, and episode titles should be placed in quotation marks.
Step 4: Ensure to Insert URL
Adding URLs is also essential while citing podcasts in MLA. It significantly guides the readers towards the original location of the podcast. The URL of a podcast should be mentioned at the end of a citation.
Step 5: Add the Date Correctly
The date is also crucial when citing a podcast in MLA, as it tells readers when the particular podcast was released. Double-check the date before finalising the citation. The format of the date should be day-month-year.
Special Cases of Citing a Podcast in MLA
Sometimes, students come across special cases while citing a podcast in MLA. Here are some of those cases and citing methods:
Citing a Podcast Episode from a Streaming Platform
Works Cited: Host’s Last Name, First Name, host. “Episode Title”. Podcast Name, Publisher, Date, Platform, URL.
Ferriss, Tim, host. “Lessons From Warren Buffett”. The Tim Ferriss Show, 25 Feb. 2024, Spotify, In-Text Citation: (Host’s Last Name) (Ferriss) |
Citing a Podcast Transcript in MLA
Works Cited: Host’s Last Name, First Name, host. “Episode Title [Transcript]”. Podcast Name, Publisher, Date, Platform, URL.
Vox, Ezra, host. “The Rise of Remote Work [Transcript]”. Today, Explained, Vox Media, 5 Jan. 2024, In-Text Citation: (Host’s Last Name) (Vox) |
Citing a Podcast with No Release Date in MLA
Works Cited: Host’s Last Name, First Name, host. “Episode Title”. Podcast Name, Publisher, n.d., Platform, URL.
Smith, John, host. “Exploring Ancient Civilisations”. History Uncovered, n.d., In-Text Citation: (Host’s Last Name) (Smith) |
Citing a Podcast in a Foreign Language
Works Cited: Host’s Last Name, First Name, host. “Original Title [English Translation]”. Podcast Name, Publisher, Date, URL.
Garcia, Maria, host. “La Revolución Mexicana [The Mexican Revolution]”. Historias de México, Radio Mexico, 20 Nov. 2023, In-Text Citation: (Host’s Last Name) (Garcia) |
Citing a Podcast with Multiple Seasons and Episodes
Works Cited: Host’s Last Name, First Name, host. “Episode Title”. Podcast Name, Season #, Episode #, Publisher, Date, URL.
King, Stephen, host. “The Haunting of Hill House”. Horror Stories, Season 2, Episode 5, Nightfall Productions, 31 Oct. 2023, In-Text Citation: (Host’s Last Name) (King) |
Citing a Podcast without a URL in MLA
Works Cited: Host’s Last Name, First Name, host. “Episode Title”. Podcast Name, Season #, Episode #, Publisher, Date.
Doe, Jane, host. “The Power of Meditation.”. Mindful Moments, Calm Productions, 1 Jan. 2024. In-Text Citation: (Host’s Last Name) (Doe) |
Citing a Podcast Clip in MLA
Works Cited: Host’s Last Name, First Name, host. “Episode Title”. Podcast Name, Publisher, Date, URL. Timestamp.
Rogan, Joe, host. “Interview with Elon Musk”. The Joe Rogan Experience, Spotify, 7 Sept. 2023, 01:23:45. In-Text Citation: (Host’s Last Name timestamp) (Rogan 01:23:45) |
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The benefits of citing a podcast in MLA are that it helps to engage students, enhances academic integrity, provides a clear source of information, helps to support different claims, and allows writers to explore diverse platforms.
If the URL is not given, this is how the podcast is cited in MLA:
Works Cited: Host’s Last Name, First Name, host. “Episode Title”. Podcast Name, Season #, Episode #, Publisher, Date.
In-Text Citation: (Host’s Last Name)
When a podcast is in-text cited in an academic paper, students get to know the information source. When they explore the source, in this case, it is the podcast, they take a significant interest in listening to the discussion. This is how they get engaged.