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List of 200+ Creative Demonstration Speech Topics for Your Presentations

Published by at May 14th, 2024 , Revised On August 5, 2024

Do you have a presentation tomorrow and still need to figure out the demonstration speech topic? Worry no more. This blog will help you choose a demonstrative speech topic for your presentation, whether it is in school or at a business meeting.

What is a Demonstration Speech?

A demonstration speech is a type of speech delivered to inform the audience about any idea or process. For example, it can be delivered briefly to Montessori students on how to tie up their shoelaces in kindergarten.

Its main aim is to show the audience or listeners how to do a specific thing in a step-by-step guide process. These speeches are easy to deliver as they use fundamental terminologies to keep things easy for the reader to read and understand.

It is usually assigned to high school and college students as their speech writing assignment to educate them about the art of presenting speeches in masses.

What are Demonstration Speech Topics?

Demonstration speech topics are themes or ideas assigned to or selected by presenters to educate their audience on certain things, like how to write a literature review or a research paper. It can also be used to showcase how to cook an egg to a general audience interested in learning cooking.

The important thing to consider is that the topic selection depends upon the interest of the audience or presenter. Discussing anything that is not of interest to the audience is vain because they don’t take an interest in your words and resist engaging with you because of their distaste towards the topic or idea you are presenting.

How to Choose the Right Demonstration Speech Topic?

To choose the right demonstration speech topic, you need to consider several factors for an engaging presentation:

Interest and Knowledge:

Always choose a topic about which you are genuinely passionate and knowledgeable to captivate your audience with your enthusiasm.

Audience Relevance:

For maximum engagement, try to fit your topic themes and ideas within the window of audience interests, setting, and time constraints.


Before finalising the topic, make sure to check its feasibility and whether it can be effectively demonstrated within the allotted time frame without being rushed or not.

Graphical Aids:

If graphical aids such as diagrams, charts, graphs, or props are available, try to use them in your presentation to enhance clarity and audience engagement.

Skill Level:

Always select a topic that matches your expertise level to deliver a confident and informative speech.


Do not limit yourself to a single perspective or idea. Explore various topics, from practical skills to fun demonstrations, to cater to diverse audiences and occasions.

Demonstration Speech Topics for Different Settings

It is impossible for the same topics or ideas to excite everyone equally. For an educationist, the topics will be different to those of a sports enthusiast. Now that you have learned how to choose, structure, and deliver a demonstration speech topic.

Let’s explore some specific ideas for different settings to cover broader audience requirements, ranging from business to college debate and public speaking topics.

Funny Demonstration Speech Topics

To educate your audience, use humour to help them remember your guidelines. Teaching while creating fun is the most effective way of delivering your speech. You can use the funny demonstration speech topic ideas as inspiration, outlined below, for your presentation.

Topic 1: Remember to cut off the tags

Try to guide your audience humorously on how to make themselves remember to cut off the clothing tags before wearing them.

Topic 2: Impersonate Sleeping When Mom’s Calling

It’s a fun thing to tell your audience in order to train them how to impersonate sleeping when your mom calls you to help clean the house while you are actually awake.

Topic 3: Scary Movie Night

Various people are interested in knowing how to watch a horror movie at night alone. You can use funny jokes to tell them the process and to keep the audience engaged.

Topic 4: Pretending to Be Innocent

More people are interested in learning how to pretend to be innocent while lying to friends because everyone does this once in a lifetime.

Topic 5: Brushing Before Sleeping

It’s fun to lecture your audience because most people want to learn how to remember to brush their teeth before sleeping. After all, we forget too often.

Topic 6: Crazy Business Ideas

Presenting innovative and crazy business ideas while creating humorous jokes is the best way to coach your audience.

Topic 7: Sharing Room with Crazy People

Providing hacks for sharing a room with a crazy roommate is a funny thing to coach your audience on survival tips using sarcasm.

Topic 8: Avoiding Punishment in School

Tips for avoiding punishment in school are a funny thing to talk about but yet a practical thing for so many mischievous students.

Topic 9: Secret Power Nap

To comically tell the pro tips to lazy people about secretly taking a power nap at the office or school.

Topic 10: Breaking Up with Girlfriend

It’s comical to present this to boys who are tired of their toxic girlfriends. Show them the steps to break up in a few minutes.

You can use the above ideas for your presentation and alter them according to your situation or audience.

Business Demonstration Speech Topics

Business topics are usually related to presenting some analytics and business growth policies. Employees are usually required to present these speeches either to introduce the progress of any project or to lay out a future plan.

You can get inspiration from the ideas discussed below to prepare a demonstrative speech topic for yourself.

Topic 11: Improving Business Sales

The best thing to talk about in a business meeting is a plan to improve the business sales graph.

Topic 12: Increasing Business Customers

Businesses usually revolve around customers, so what’s better than presenting on how to increase the customer base?

Topic 13: New Software For Project Management

To offer the best suggestions for using a new software for better project management?

Topic 14: Business Sales Strategy

Explain why do we need a new sales strategy to amplify sales and customers for our business.

Topic 15: Time Management Skills

Time is the key for any business, so provide useful tips for managing time and delivering projects on time.

Topic 16: Sales Pitches for Growth

Tell how to deliver persuasive presentations or sales pitches to your team to accelerate your business growth.

Topic 17: Networking Strategies for Business

Deliver tips on effective networking strategies to your team for growing your business exponentially.

Topic 18: Communication Skills

Share with your colleagues the best ways to develop or enhance their communication skills to improve the company’s overall productivity.

Topic 19: Importance of Social Media

Deliver a speech on the benefits of social media apps in yielding untapped customers with less effort.

Topic 20: Hiring Right People

Explain tips on hiring the right people for the right job in your company. Also, tips on using a new software program or tool for hiring.

5 Minute Demonstration Speech Topics

Topics for 5-minute demonstration speeches are more difficult to present than topics like health and fitness. Because of the limited time frame, presenters try to avoid these kinds of ideas, but the ones who know the art of converting extensive topics into precise ones like this format.

Let’s look at some crazy 5-minute topics for a demonstration speech. You can alter the following ideas according to your requirements.

Topic 21: Solving Rubik’s Cube

Tutoring your audience on how to solve a Rubik’s cube is the best topic to cover in 5 minutes.

Topic 22: Making Italian Pizza

It’s best to talk about if your audience is interested in learning Italian pizza making within 5 minutes.

Topic 23: Brewing Coffee Beans

If you are addressing coffee enthusiasts, then what’s better than guiding them on how to brew their coffee by demonstrating the process?

Topic 24: Increasing Reading Speed

Deliver tips to increase the reading speed within the limited time frame by outlining the steps to follow for the audience.

Topic 25: Becoming Vegan

Share tips with your audience on how to become a vegan for life.

Topic 26: Shopping Online

Demonstrate the practical steps in front of your audience on how to shop online through different websites.

Topic 27: Organising Party

It’s the best topic to talk over for the party animals to mentor them on how to organise parties like Halloween at their homes.

Topic 28: Wearing Tuxedo

It’s the best thing to explain by showing the visual steps to your audience in a limited time frame.

Topic 29: Writing Personal Blog

Talk about the blog writing process within 5 steps to cover the presentation in 5 minutes.

Topic 30: Managing Personal Finances

Show your audience the best ways to manage their finances to save them from getting broke.

Demonstration Speech Topics for College Students

Demonstration speech topics are a great way for college students to develop or nourish their public speaking skills. College students have room to present whatever they want, such as academic topics, personal hobbies, and interests, to share knowledge with their peers and fellows, in turn sharpening their demonstration skills.

Let’s look at some innovative demonstration speech topics for college students to present at their campuses or public gatherings.

Topic 31: Academic Poster Writing

You can explain the academic poster writing tips to your fellows to help them prepare for research conferences and in writing conference papers.

Topic 32: Literature Review

Deliver beneficial tips to coach your audience on the art of literature review writing, which will help them out in their term papers or dissertations.

Topic 33: Essay Writing

If you are a pro at writing essays, you can present some tips for essay writing to help out the audience in coursework or assignments.

Topic 34: Stress Management Tips

If your exams are at hand, what’s better than explaining stress management tips to help your fellows in a troubling situation?

Topic 35: Time Management Tips

It has been observed that a large chunk of students struggle to manage time in their everyday life. So you can mentor them time management skills for productive lives.

Topic 36: Making a Study Plan

It’s the best demonstrative speech topic for college students to pitch to the students to describe tips on how to make a study plan.

Topic 37: Role of Artificial Intelligence

You can talk about the role of AI in education or its benefits for students in learning new things in your demonstrative speech session.

Topic 38: Preparing for Interviews

Describe the interview preparation tips with other students for the jobs or college entrance exams.

Topic 39: Checking Blood Sugar Level

Sharing skills related to health is also necessary, like how to check blood sugar levels, in order to live a healthy life.

Topic 40: Having Fun in Class

Any class is dull without fun, so share your secret tips or ninja techniques with others to have fun in class after lectures.

Demonstration Speech Topics for Public Speaking

Every one of us has to address the public once in our lifetime, whether at the train station or in the park. Even at the funerals of our loved ones, we have to recite the obituary or admiration words for the deceased one. Is it not better to have an idea about the topics to talk over while addressing the public?

Let’s have a look at some engaging demonstration speech topics for public speaking.

Topic 41: Confidence Building Tricks

To present confidence-building tips and tricks to the public to enhance their social skills.

Topic 42: Using Body Language

You can lecture your audience on how to use body language like facial expressions and gestures to effectively communicate with others.

Topic 43: Audience Engagement Strategies

You can describe the art of audience engagement to the public by showing the importance of tone, volume, and pace of your language through your demonstration skills.

Topic 44: Delivering a Compelling Argument

To deliver tips on how to provide compelling arguments to your opposition for influencing them. You can showcase this skill in your public session.

Topic 45: Narrative Building

Guide how to build narratives to your audience by demonstrating practical examples in front of them to help them take their voices to the higher authorities.

Topic 46: Making Presentation Slides

To share tips with the public on making visually appealing presentation slides for their meetings in your public sessions.

Topic 47: Benefits of Exercise

To address the masses, use a common topic to engage them all in your session, like sharing the benefits of exercise with all of them.

Topic 48: Importance of Voting

What’s better than discussing a topic of common interest for every citizen? Talk about the importance of voting for the country in your public sessions.

Topic 49: Effects of Global Warming

You can talk about the effects of global warming on our lives with the public to convince them to switch towards an eco-friendly lifestyle.

Topic 50: Eating Healthy Food

Present the benefits of eating healthy food to your audience to convince them to eat healthy food as much as possible to save their health from deteriorating.

Easy Demonstration Speech Topics

Easy demonstration speech topics are mostly related to improving social skills and doing day life activities. You can pick anything from your daily routine and demonstrate it in front of your audience. These topics are usually easy to manage and introduce to your audience.

Let’s talk about some easy demo speech topics to get an idea of what kind of topics you can select for your presentation. Remember, you can alter these topics to fit your tastes and environment.

Topic 51: Reading Body Language

You can introduce tips and tricks to your audience for reading people’s body language to give back the appropriate response.

Topic 52: Hygiene Maintaining Tips

To tell hygiene tips for maintaining personal cleanliness for both men and women within a few minutes.

Topic 53: Memorising Tips

Share the tips for memorising anything without hustling too much to your audience in a given time frame.

Topic 54: Improving Interpersonal Skills

You can instruct social or interpersonal skills to help people improve their lifestyles.

Topic 55: Easy Hairstyles

Explain tips and tricks to your audience to make easy hairstyles in a few minutes to reach their destinations on time.

Topic 56: Homely DIY Hacks

To teach easy-to-perform do-it-yourself hacks like making skincare products with the aloe vera of your lawn kind of things to the audience.

Topic 57: Wardrobe Organising

Perform tips on how to organise your wardrobe within a few minutes or by following simple steps to the people.

Topic 58: Lawn Mowing

You can preach the best method of lawn mowing to your audience within a few minutes.

Topic 59: Taming Your Pet

Describe proven tips to your audience on how to tame their pets.

Topic 60: How to Use Air Fryer

You can showcase the steps of using an air fryer to prepare the food with your audience to eat healthy.

Interesting Demonstration Speech Topics

People are more likely to be interested in intriguing discussion topics than flat ideas. So, if you want to deliver an engaging speech that connects with the masses, always choose interesting topics that are important to the public.

Let’s explore some interesting demonstration speech topics to get an idea of what kind of topics you can select for your presentation. Remember, you can alter these topics to suit your requirements.

Topic 61: Hypnotise People

It is interesting to listen to or learn for the public, so deliver useful tips on hypnotising people to your audience to hit their intriguing minds.

Topic 62: Wildlife Survival Skills

To demonstrate to your audience the skills necessary to save their lives in case of attack from wildlife animals.

Topic 63: Swimming Stunts

You can showcase the swimming stunts like how to do back flip and nose dive to the people.

Topic 64: Identifying Fake News

People are more interested in it because of the rise in fake news or misinformation bombarding consumers daily.

Topic 65: Importance of Having Hobbies

To highlight the importance of having hobbies in life to stay tension-free or stress-free throughout.

Topic 66: Becoming Magician

You can explain tips on how to become a magician within 30 days for free to your audience to keep them engaged throughout the presentation.

Topic 67: Climatising in a New Space

Most of the people are not comfortable settling into new places for several reasons, so you can give brief tips on climatising in a new space with them.

Topic 68: Becoming a Pro at Singing

Show your audience some proven tips for developing singing skills to become pros at singing.

Topic 69: Black box in Aeroplane

People want to learn interesting things, so what’s better than briefing them on what a black box is and its importance in case of an aeroplane crash?

Topic 70: Effects of Depression

You can explain the negative effects of depression on human health to your audience to make them aware of the potential effects they may be suffering.

10-Minute Demonstration Speech Topics

10-minute demonstration speech topics are not so easy to present as compared to other topics like skincare routine. Because of the limited time frame, presenters try to avoid these kinds of topics, but the ones who know the art of converting extensive topics into precise ones like to use this format.

Let’s talk about some useful 10-minute topics for demonstration speech. You can alter the following ideas according to your requirements.

Topic 71: Installing Games on PC

To introduce tips to your audience on how to install and play games on your personal computer is the best idea to cover in 10 minutes for a large chunk of the audience.

Topic 72: Cleaning Fishtank

You can perform tips on cleaning the fish tank at your home by following the simple steps within 10 minutes to educate and demonstrate every step to your audience.

Topic 73: Removing Virus from Computer

Computer users often face virus attacks and are usually looking for reliable and quick solutions to remove viruses from their computers. You can describe the virus-removing tips to them for doing so.

Topic 74: Setting Up an Email

To educate your audience on how to set up a new email account on your mobile or laptop with a step-by-step process in 10 minutes.

Topic 75: Inflating Flat Tyre

You can tell the process to inflate your vehicle’s flat tyre, whether it’s a bike or a car.

Topic 76: Home Gardening Tips

To explain home gardening tips on how to set up your own within the limited time frame by showing them the related visuals.

Topic 77: First Aid Skills

Showcase first aid skills through your presentation to help people survive in dangerous situations alone.

Topic 78: Cleaning Shoes

You can perform the tips and tricks for cleaning shoes within 10 minutes through your demonstration speech.

Topic 79: Exercise Routine

You can present your exercise routine to your audience to help them maintain their health and fitness.

Topic 80: Wall Decorating Tricks

To direct the tips and tricks for decorating your home walls within a limited time frame.

Football Demonstration Speech Topics

If you are going to address sports enthusiasts, specifically football fans and players, then what’s better than discussing football-related ideas to get maximum audience engagement? Do some research about the topics your audience is most likely to be interested in and then demonstrate them to your audience.

Let’s explore some interesting demonstration speech topics for your presentation. Remember, you can alter these topics to fit your presentation requirements and environment.

Topic 81: History of Football

Present the history of football and its evolution to the current phase with your audience in your presentation.

Topic 82: Controversial Goals

To make your audience aware of the controversial goals of football history.

Topic 83: Gaelic Football

You can explain the characteristics of Gaelic football to your sports enthusiast audience.

Topic 84: Difference Between Football and soccer

You can talk about the key differences between both games with your audience.

Topic 85: Worldwide Football Leagues

To present the list of football leagues played worldwide with people to emphasise the game’s popularity.

Topic 86: Football Tactics

Show the best tactics to score a goal straight to the goal spot by demonstrating the trick in front of people.

Topic 87: Commercialisation of Football

To talk over the negative effects of the commercialisation of football on the football community and fans as well across the globe.

Topic 88: Healthy Sport

You can discuss football’s role in improving its players’ health.

Topic 89: Fifa Trophies

To explain the data of the FIFA World Cups and the list of winners by showing the teams that have won more than one time in the finals separately.

Topic 90: Best Players of All Times

You can explain a list of all-time best football players to your audience to get them aware of the best players of the game.

Computer Demonstration Speech Topics

Computer demonstration speech topics are the most easiest ones to explain because a large chunk of the global population uses computers. Statista recently conducted a study to estimate the rise in computer users at home by gathering data from 2015 to 2019.

According to them, in 2019, almost half of private households worldwide were estimated to have a computer at home. In developing countries, the PC penetration rate is lower, with around a third of households having a computer. In contrast, the stakes of households with personal computers in developed countries were closer to 80%.

Let’s discuss some interesting computer demonstration speech topics that you can use for your presentations.

Topic 91: Windows Installation on Computer

To educate your audience on how to install Windows on their personal computers to run their operations.

Topic 92: Driver Installation on Computer

You can guide your audience on how to install drivers in their computer windows to run all programs without interruption through the internet or DVD.

Topic 93: Connecting Webcam to Computer

To demonstrate to your audience how to connect a webcam with your PC for video conferencing calls or meetings with people.

Topic 94: Connecting Printer with Computer

It is the most basic thing you can do to inform people who are naive about using PCs for different purposes.

Topic 95: Changing Wallpaper of Desktop

Educate the new users on how to change desktop wallpaper and how to place their own pictures on a wallpaper screen.

Topic 96: Playing Games on PC

You can inform them about the sites or platforms to use for playing their favourite computer games.

Topic 97: Accessing the Internet on a PC

If you are going to address new computer users, you can educate them on how to access the Internet on their computers using wired or wireless Internet connections.

Topic 98: Connecting Monitor with CPU

You can guide by demonstrating practical steps to your audience on how to connect display monitor with their computer systems.

Topic 99: Connecting Speakers to PC

To guide your audience on the steps to follow on how to connect the speakers with your personal computers to enjoy loud music.

Topic 100: Connecting Navigation Devices

It is the best topic to cover if your audience is just going to use personal computers for the first time in their lives to educate them on how to connect navigation devices like mouse and keyboard.

2-Minute Demonstration Speech Topics

It is easier to present a topic in 10 minutes than in 2 minutes. Because of the limited time frame, presenting a topic comprehensively is quite difficult for presenters. But it’s a blessing in disguise as well for the presenters who are adept at summarising extensive topics into short ones.

Let’s have a look at some crazy 2-minute demonstration speech topics that you can use for your presentations. You can alter the following ideas according to your requirements.

Topic 101: Coins Collection Tips

To tell your audience how to collect antique coins for their collections or even the ordinary ones for savings, especially for kids.

Topic 102: Pizza Ingredients

You can list the ingredients used for making pizza with your audience in 2-minutes to show something useful to them.

Topic 103: Prank Calls

It’s fun to tell others. If your audience is fun-loving, you can explain tricks and tips for holding prank calls with your friends.

Topic 104: Preparing Homemade Soap

To coach people on how to prepare soap at home for their daily use without using any dangerous chemicals to save their skin.

Topic 105: Avoid Boredom

You can describe funny activities and habits to develop with your audience to help them avoid boredom in their lives.

Topic 106: Playing Chess

To talk about the chess-playing steps with new learners to help them start enjoying and learning new games.

Topic 107: Weight Lifting

You can guide your audience on the right ways to do weight lifting in the gymnasium.

Topic 108: Learning Ski

To give tips and methods to people to learn skiing, enjoy snowfalls, and have fun in winter activities.

Topic 109: Developing Website

You can explain the languages used in developing websites with your audience in 2 minutes like C++, Nodejs, and so on.

Topic 110: Writing Resume

Talk about the tone and format to be followed for writing a resume along with the dos and don’ts of writing it with your audience.

Demonstration Speech Topics About Pets

If you are going to address animal-loving creatures, then what’s better than discussing things about pet grooming and taming? You can describe pet-related topics to get maximum audience engagement during sessions. Gather data about human interests related to pets and demonstrate them in front of your audience to educate them.

Let’s look at some interesting pet-related speech topics for your presentation. Remember, you can alter these topics according to your requirements.

Topic 111: Choosing a Pet for Home

To introduce tips on choosing the best pet to keep at your home for getting amused by playing with it like playing with cats.

Topic 112: Grooming Dog at Home

You can talk about the tips for grooming dogs at your home with your audience for maximum audience engagement.

Topic 113: Choosing a Pet Food Company

You can tell the list of best companies selling pet food for cats, dogs, and so on with your audience to feed their pets the right food items.

Topic 114: Familiarising Pets with Eachother

To brief your audience tips on familiarising your new pet with other ones at home to maintain harmony and peace among them.

Topic 115: Training Pets

You can give tips and tricks to people in order to help them train their pets to obey your orders at home or in the park.

Topic 116: Making Diet Plan for Pets

Guide new pet adopters to remember things while creating a diet plan for their cats or dogs.

Topic 117: Handling Rowdy Behaviour of Pets

You can give tips to handle your pets while being aggressive or violent with your audience to tackle difficult situations calmly.

Topic 118: Dealing with Fleas and Ticks

To equip your audience with the skills to deal with fleas and ticks on your pets at home.

Topic 119: Pet Walk Tricks

You can describe the methods to your audience for taking their pets to walk in parks with them.

Topic 120: Creating a Pet-Friendly Environment

You can tell the things to do with your audience to create a pet-friendly environment for your new pets.

Demonstration Speech Topics About Nature and Gardening

If you are going to address nature-loving people or people interested in gardening or plantations, you can share ideas about unique gardening or planting with them for maximum audience engagement.

Let’s explore some unique gardening and plantation ideas to use for your presentation. Remember to alter the topics according to your requirements.

Topic 121: Growing Herbs on Rooftop

To share tips on growing herbs in your garden or rooftop in a simple way with your audience at your demonstration speeches.

Topic 122: Planting Fruit Trees

You can educate your audience on how to plant fruit trees in home gardens by following the simple steps in your demonstration speech.

Topic 123: Gardening Tips

To give tips and tricks to do gardening quickly at your home for saving time to plant more trees in it.

Topic 124: Plant a Tree

Brief your audience with visuals on how to plant a tree from scratch at their homes alone without taking anyone’s help.

Topic 125: Growing Vegetables at Home

To give tips on how to grow seasonal vegetables at home by planting seeds in the soil, brief your audience.

Topic 126: Ripening Fruits at Home

You can brief your audience on how to ripe their homegrown fruits using preservatives or ripening agents to enjoy home-grown seasonal fruits.

Topic 127: Selecting Fertiliser for Plants

To inform about the things to consider before buying fertiliser for your lawn plants or trees for better growth.

Topic 128: Making Fish Pond at Home

You can guide your audience how to make a fish pond at home by using products available at home, like glass tanks and so on.

Topic 129: Growing Grass in Patche

To equip your audience with the ways to grow grass in patches at their home lawns for increasing the overall beauty.

Topic 130: Naming Plants for Home Lawn

Performing tips on how to name plants and paste the plates engraving their names on them at your home to educate children about the types of plants.

Demonstration Speech Topics About Social Skills

These topics are best for school-going children or even adults to mentor real-life skills to them. These skills will help them to become a better citizen and a productive individual in society.

Let’s discuss some necessary social skills to learn to become a good citizen. You can use the following ideas for inspiration to use them in your demonstration speech topics.

Topic 131: Effective Communication Skills

To educate your audience important skills to learn for effective communication with others, resulting in better societal engagement.

Topic 132: Healthy Relationship Tricks

You can talk about the tips and tricks with your audience to maintain healthy relationships and enjoy life with others as well.

Topic 133: Maintaining Boundaries Between Relationships

Tell your audience how to maintain boundaries with their friends and family to maintain the element of respect.

Topic 134: Problem Solving Skills

You can discuss things to do with people to develop their problem-solving skills and improve their situation management.

Topic 135: Resolving Conflicts Strategically

Explain steps to follow with your audience to resolve conflicts peacefully using strategies, even in the worst times.

Topic 136: Showing Gratitude Towards Others

Inform about the importance of showing gratitude towards others to build long-lasting relationships with people and achieve maximum engagement.

Topic 137: Offering Support to Others in Need

Guide your audience on how to offer support to someone in bad situations before they call you for help by themselves.

Topic 138: Asking for Help from Others

Guide your people on how to ask for help when in trouble, especially if they are in public and don’t know anyone personally.

Topic 139: Ethics of Eating in Public

To tell the ethics to follow while eating in public to educate your audience about manners to observe in public gatherings.

Topic 140: Leadership Skills

You can inform your audience on how to develop leadership skills in themselves for leading masses at the time of chaos or emergency.

How “To“ Demonstration Speech Topics

How “to” topics are best to educate your audience about anything productive or useful through your demonstration speech topics. No matter which audience you are going to address, how to is the best fit for anyone, whether you are addressing researchers or college students.

Let’s explore some of the best how “to” ideas to showcase in your demonstration speech sessions.

Topic 141: Creating a Budget for Populace

To explain tips on how to create a budget for your country or province, especially if your audience is interested in economics.

Topic 142: Resume Writing Tips

You can share tips with your audience on resume writing to help them hone professional skills to unlock opportunities in the market.

Topic 143: Effective Speech Delivery

To mentor your audience effective speech delivery tips and tricks to engage the audience from tip to toe for maximum results.

Topic 144: Playing Music Instruments

You can share methods to learn to play instruments like the flute in your leisure time with your audience.

Topic 145: Drawing Sketch

To brief your audience on how to draw sketches by visually demonstrating in front of them for effective learning.

Topic 146: Building Computer from Scratch

Share tips and tricks with your audience to guide them on how to build a computer from scratch by outsourcing products through online stores.

Topic 147: Sewing Clothes

You can guide your audience on how to sew clothes by demonstrating steps in front of them through visual aids or practical presentations.

Topic 148: Using 3D Printer

To educate your audience on how to use a 3d printer to get the printouts of 3d structural models or frames for arts and crafts activities.

Topic 149: Making Film

Deliver a demonstration speech to tell your audience the things to learn and how to implement for making a film.

Topic 150: Painting Room

To preach your audience how to paint a room or select a colour for their room roof or walls to make it attractive for you.

Cool Demonstration Speech Topics

These are the best topics to discuss with your audience and have fun while demonstrating your speech presentation. Coaching using humour is the best way to guide someone effectively.

Let’s explore some cool ideas to share with your audience through your demonstration speech presentations.

Topic 151: How to whistle?

You can share tips on blowing whistles with your audience during the football match or on any other occasion for fun.

Topic 152: Cake Decoration Tips

To share different tips and tricks with your audience to decorate a cake for your wedding or birthday.

Topic 153: Writing a Business Plan

You can guide your audience how to create an effective business plan for exponential sales growth.

Topic 154: Modifying WordPress Theme

To educate your audience on how to modify the WordPress theme to improve the website’s user interface and increase customer retention rate.

Topic 155: Catching a Fish

You can share tips on how to catch a fish from the pond or the river to spend fun weekends or enjoy with your children during family vacation trips.

Topic 156: Writing Speech to Make Everyone Laugh

To share the elements with your audience on how to write a speech for a friend’s birthday party to make everyone laugh.

Topic 157: Running a Golf Club

You can share tips and tricks with your audience on how to start and run a golf club business without getting into the whirlwind of loss.

Topic 158: Making Eye-Contact with People

To share tips with your audience on how to make eye contact with others for effective communication. It is a must to discuss the topic in your demonstrative speech session to brief something useful to others.

Topic 159: Proposing Your Partner

Everyone is usually interested in this topic because once in our lifetimes, we have to propose to our partners to start loving relationships.

Topic 160: Decorating Your Workspace

You can share a list of things to consider when decorating your workspace to increase your productivity while working.

Process Demonstration Speech Topics

If you are getting troubled in choosing the right demonstration speech topic for you, go for process speech ideas like explaining how to tie the knot with your audience. By doing this, you can grab the audience’s attention throughout your session.

Generally, people are interested in learning how to process for their routine tasks to do them with perfection.

Let’s discuss some common processes to coach your audience on some life hacks to learn. You can use the below topics as inspiration for your demonstrative speech sessions.

Topic 161: Coffee Brewing Process

To teach your audience the best process to brew your coffee beans to get a hit with your first sip of the coffee in the morning.

Topic 162: Making Chocolate from Cocoa Beans

You can tell the tips and tricks to people for making chocolate from cocoa beans in a step by step process.

Topic 163: Plantation Process

To explain the complete process of doing plantations on your home lawn with a visual demonstration in your session.

Topic 164: Animation Process

Suppose you are a 3d animator, and you are going to address graphic designers. What’s better than sharing the animation process implied in games or movies to get maximum audience engagement?

Topic 165: Screen-Play Writing Process

You can introduce the process for writing engaging screen-plays with your audience to help them understand the art of writing to produce memorable characters for people.

Topic 166: Immigration Process

To showcase your expertise in the immigration process with potential migrators to help them learn how to immigrate to your favourite countries.

Topic 167: Furniture Washing Process

At your presentation session, you can educate your audience on how to wash their home furniture, such as their sofa, in easy steps.

Topic 168: Article Reading Process

If you are going to address future researchers in your session, you can share the right process of reading reference articles for their studies to help them out in writing dissertation proposal.

Topic 169: Reference Managing Process

You can share the step-by-step guide with your audience to help them understand the referencing process using tools like Endnote, Mendeley, etc.

Topic 170: Baby Bathing Process

In your demonstrative speech sessions, teach the new parents the right process of giving baths to their newborn babies.

Digital Marketing Demonstration Speech Topics

Digital marketing is the backbone of businesses because of its exponential growth effect. If you are going to address small business owners, you can discuss the benefits of digital marketing with them to grow their businesses.

Let’s explore some digital marketing-related ideas to discuss with your audience to get maximum attention. You can use the ideas below for inspiration but don’t forget to alter them according to your speech topics.

Topic 171: Social Media Strategies

To explain tips on adopting effective social media strategies to grow your customer base around the globe.

Topic 172: Targeted Marketing Strategies

You can share the strategies with business owners for doing targeted marketing to turn lookers into bookers with your audience.

Topic 173: E-mail Marketing Campaigns

To inform about the benefits of running e-mail marketing campaigns for businesses to help them ring un-tapped customers in your demonstrative speech presentations.

Topic 174: CPC Campaigns

You can share with your audience the fruits of running cost-per-click ad campaigns to generate leads and increase business sales.

Topic 175: Fruits of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is the key to boosting your brand awareness and sales in a whip. It is a must-discuss topic with your audience, who are most likely business owners.

Topic 176: Search Engine Marketing

To teach your audience the importance of search engine marketing for their businesses and its role in future growth.

Topic 177: Content Marketing Strategies

Teach your audience how to create successful content marketing strategies for brands to help them increase their brand awareness.

Topic 178: Running Ad Campaigns

To inform how to run ad campaigns on social media apps like Facebook, YouTube, and so on with your audience.

Topic 179: PPC Advertising Campaigns

You can talk about the process of running Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertisement campaigns for your digital businesses across the platforms.

Topic 180: Improving Ad Campaigns ROI

To inform about the tips and tricks for improving digital ad campaigns’ return on investment (ROI) using effective implementation strategies to your audience.

Agricultural Demonstration Speech Topics

Suppose you are going to present your speech demonstration sessions in front of people who are interested in farming or agricultural activities. In that case, you can choose topics like those discussed below for demonstrative speech sessions.

Topic 181: Seeds Plantation Tips

To provide tips and tricks for sowing seeds rightly for your agricultural plantations like wheat and so on with your audience.

Topic 182: Crops Protection Methods

You can teach your audience methods to protect their harvest from locust attacks to protect crops from getting damaged.

Topic 183: Making Greenhouse

Teach your audience associated with farming or agriculture how to make greenhouses for their harvests or plantations.

Topic 184: Mango Trees Plantation

If the season of mango plantation is around the corner, what’s better than mentoring your audience on how to plant mango trees on their farms?

Topic 185: Saving Plants from Insects

To present tips and tricks to your audience on saving plants from insects or getting damaged due to atmospheric reasons.

Topic 186: Gardening Mistakes to Avoid

You can tell 10 mistakes to avoid while gardening to have healthy plantations with your audience.

Topic 187: Indoor Plantation Hacks

To provide plantation hacks with your audience to help them keep their indoor plants alive for a green environment.

Topic 188: Home Remedies for Healthy Plantation

You can talk about proven home remedies to keep your plantations healthy and growing by following simple hacks.

Topic 189: Importance of Sustainable Farming

To discuss the importance of sustainable farming with your audience to keep them attentive towards your demonstrative speech session.

Topic 190: Use of GMOs in Agriculture

You can discuss the importance of using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) with your audience, who are most likely interested in farming or agricultural activities.

Short Demonstration Speech Topics

These are the best topics to discuss in a short time during your demonstration speech presentations to teach your audience something useful quickly.

Let’s discuss some interesting short demonstration speech topics that you can use for your presentations. You can alter these topics according to your requirements.

Topic 191: Dining Table Manners

To present table manners to follow while eating with your audience to teach something useful to them.

Topic 192: Making French Toast

During your session, you can provide demonstrative steps for making French toast with the people.

Topic 193: Gaining Weight

You can present tips and tricks with your audience on how to gain weight safely and securely without putting your health at risk.

Topic 194: Losing Weight

To tell ways to lose weight and live a healthy life free of sickness and diseases with your audience.

Topic 195: Preparing for Interview

To impress the panellists, you can present essential tips and tricks for preparing for your job or university interview.

Topic 196: Making Vlogs

To teach your audience skills necessary for making vlogs in your short demonstration speech topics.

Topic 197: Uploading Reels on Social Media

You can teach people the steps for uploading reels to social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and so on.

Topic 198: Easy DIY Hacks

To share interesting do-it-yourself (DIY) hacks about the kitchen or garage with your audience in your short demonstrative speech sessions.

Topic 199: Sushi Making

You can share delicious Sushi-making recipes with their origins to your audience in your sessions.

Topic 200: Playing Flute

In your short demonstration speech sessions, teach your audience how to learn to play the flute online for free.

High School Demonstration Speech Topics

If you are going to address high school students, then it’s the best time to educate them about social responsibilities. Let’s explore some valuable demonstration speech topics to share with high school students.

Topic 201: Voting Registration

To teach your audience how to register themselves for voting to exercise their right to vote for the betterment of society.

Topic 202: Maintaining Balance for Healthy Life

You can share tips for maintaining the balance between school and social life to live a healthy life.

Topic 203: Writing a Poem

To teach the students filled with overwhelming compassion the art of writing poems to express their feeling towards the world or their loved ones in your demonstrative speech sessions.

Topic 204: Learning Literary Languages

You can discuss the importance of learning literary languages like Greek to understand ancient literary masterpieces in their native context.

Topic 205: Reading in Repetitive Cycles

To discuss the benefits of reading books in repetitive cycles to develop lifelong habits for fostering creativity in your life.

Topic 206: Hunting Books for Reading

Teach your audience how to hunt books from the library catalogues to enrich your knowledge levels in demonstrative speech sessions.

Topic 207: Selecting a Major for College

You can share the standards or requirements to follow when selecting a major in your college during your presentation.

Topic 208: Earning Through Side Hustles

To help students turn the tables during their high school years by earning money through side hustles to maintain their educational expenses.

Topic 209: Essay Writing Process

You can share steps to follow with the students in the audience for writing essays related to their field of study, such as physics essays or sociology essays.

Topic 210: Choosing Profession for Earning

To share tips and tricks with your audience who are high school students on choosing a profession to earn bread and butter for their lives in your demonstration speech topic.

Elements of a Good Demonstration Speech Topic

A good demonstration speech topic encompasses several elements like time limitation and specificity of the idea. If your demonstrative speech topic ideas can be presented effectively in a given time frame and resonate with a larger audience, then you are on the verge of leaving your footprints on the minds of observers.

Make sure to choose a topic you are confident about and can provide ample information to clear your viewpoint. Let’s move on to the elements necessary for a good demonstrative speech topic.

  • It can be described within the awarded time frame.
  • It can be something of interest or value to your target audience, i.e., enhances their knowledge base.
  • It can include manageable steps; just explain the process briefly.
  • It can be in easy language for the audience to understand, and avoid using technical terms.
  • It can be explained to a broader audience.
  • It can be about something less talked about, like climate change, not inflation.

How to Choose an Idea for Demonstration Speech Topics?

The most difficult part of any presentation is choosing an idea for a demonstration speech topic. To come up with an enthralling idea, try to focus on your interests and activities you would love to do. By doing this, you can lay out a path to follow for demonstrative speech topic ideas.

Let’s have a closer look at different steps to find demonstration speech topic ideas for your presentations.

Follow Your Interests:

Think about your areas of interest like sports, reading, travelling, and so on, to single out the niche you will discuss in your presentation.

Know Your Audience:

Understand your audience by looking out at their interests to select a topic in which they are most interested or can engage with you. For example, you cannot discuss the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) in front of gym enthusiasts.

Because it is not something of their interest, and they don’t listen to you or engage with you because of irrelevancy. So try to come up with an audience-relevant idea.

Shortlist Things to Discuss:

Now, it is time to shortlist the topics in their entirety to discuss in front of the audience. Try to be specific to cover the whole topic in the given time to brief the audience effectively.

For example, do not choose topics like how to write a book if you a have time slot of 30 minutes. Instead, go with the topics like how to write a preface of the book to cover the whole idea in the given time frame.

Define Your Objectives:

Before starting your presentation, define your objectives, like do you want to teach something or just to make the audience aware. Clear the intention in your mind to accomplish goals without getting diverted.

This helps you to focus on your goal without getting distracted and engage with the audience to pursue the objective.

How to Structure Your Demonstration Speech?

Structuring your demonstration speech is the most integral part of your presentation. The structure you follow decides the effectiveness and chances of engagement with your audience.

If you are struggling to decide how to start your presentation after choosing the topic, then here’s a sigh of relief for you. You can follow the steps below to structure your demonstration speech.

  • Start with Hook
  • Outline the Steps
  • Progress Gradually
  • Answer Questions
  • Conclude

Tips for Delivering an Effective Demonstration Speech

After learning how to choose and structure your topic for demonstration, understand the tips and tricks necessary for delivering an effective speech.

Here are some tips you can read for delivering an effective demonstration speech session.

Graphical Aids:

You can use graphics in your speech to increase the effectiveness of your overall session. Graphical aids help you turn complex ideas into easy ones to help the audience understand things easily. Make sure to divide your speech session into manageable parts supported by diagrams, charts, graphs, and relevant images.

To keep your audience engaged from start to end, make sure to use visuals during the intervals of your demonstration speech session. A monotonous speech without visuals will make the audience feel bored during your session. Your efforts may go in vain, and the people will not get anything useful from your session.

Use infographics and relevant images or videos in the demonstration to evoke people’s emotions and convey your message smoothly.

Audience Engagement:

Audience engagement is the key to making your demonstration successful because no one wants to sit in a boring session. You must actively engage with your audience by asking questions between your demonstration to keep them interested or vested in your words.

There are different ways of boosting audience engagement during presentations, but the most effective ones are by using humour, storytelling, and anecdotes to make your speech interesting to listen for the people. Most of the presenters use anecdotes about the task or thing they are demonstrating by telling how they have learned this specific thing successfully.

Try to make your audience aware that once you were in their shoes before learning the specific things and struggling to make it out. By doing this, they will engage more actively with you to learn something from you.

Building Connections:

Your speech is your first step towards building a connection with your audience. To ensure your teachings will turn into practice, provide additional resources to them, such as handouts with important points and a step-by-step guide or a list of recommended tools, products, articles, videos, and so on.

You can take your connection with your audience a step further by inviting questions after the session through emails or social media platforms, whatever suits you. This will encourage your audience to connect with you and show them you’re truly invested in their success.


You can form outstanding demonstration speech topics for your session by following the tips and tricks discussed above. You need to read the steps clearly and then practise them to have the best demonstration speech topics ever and leave your audience in awe.

If you are still struggling to come up with an idea for your presentation, you can consult our experts to help you deliver a good demonstration speech. They are experts in assisting presenters in carving out creative demonstration speech topics and in writing essays on the topic of your choice.

If you need an essay to submit before the deadline, you can contact us to buy our essay writing services. You will get a perfectly written essay that meets your academic requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

A demonstration speech is an interactive session in which the presenter interacts with the listeners or viewers to demonstrate something in a step-by-step format or to make them aware of any topic.

Good demonstration speech topics are those that are beneficial for the masses and can be covered in the given time frame to guide the audience comprehensively, like brushing your teeth, creating artwork, writing drama plots, and cooking lunch. 

A demonstration speech session means discussing something with the help of audio and visuals to showcase how a process works from base to top in front of the audience.

These topics are used to teach the process of doing something to the audience, like teaching how to make sandwiches in steps like step 1 taking bran bread step 2 add dressings like salads and meat, and then step 3 toasting the sandwich.

You can take inspiration from these ideas from topics like the history of football, evolution of humans, controversial cricket boundaries, and so on.  

Provide topics in the answer.

About Alvin Nicolas

Avatar for Alvin NicolasNicolas has a master's degree in literature and a PhD degree in statistics. He is a content manager at ResearchProspect. He loves to write, cook and run. Nicolas is passionate about helping students at all levels.