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Contract Law Dissertation Topics

Published by at January 2nd, 2023 , Revised On August 15, 2023

The law of contracts is critical for businesses and individuals because it governs the facts of the real world to an agreement between two or more parties. In the business environment, employees and companies exchange financial information through this system.

If you are looking for an excellent contract law dissertation topic, you don’t need to look any further because this article provides several interesting and trendy contract law dissertation topics for your consideration.

A research project in the field of contract law will require a solid understanding of the key concepts of contract law. Contracts formed between different businesses and organisations can be investigated and analysed according to the aim of the research.

So let’s now take a look at the list of the best contract law dissertation topics that our law dissertation writers have prepared for you.

A wide variety of legal aspects could be included in the following contract law dissertation topics:

  1. Why is adequate contract law knowledge important for small business owners? A major investigation from the UK’s viewpoint.
  2. Contract law: Examining the requirements of the evolving international business environment
  3. Analyze the contract law as it relates to shipping and cargo transit across five different countries.
  4. Examine the importance of the Mud araba contract in terms of Islamic law and the effects it has on execution.
  5. The impact of contract law on creating a more sustainable business climate.
  6. The significance of contract law to the UK maritime and transportation sector
  7. The function of contract law in regulating financial exchanges between multinational companies in the UK.
  8. Does consideration have a place in contemporary contract law? Or perhaps the fundamental idea of the contractual aim should take its place?
  9. The impact of how international enterprises are evolving and the ramifications for UK contract law
  10. How well does contract law actually address unjustified exclusion clauses? Discuss with a few country examples.
  11. Comparative research on UK small, medium, and big business contract law
  12. What steps can be taken to invalidate a contract that was created based on a false representation?
  13. An examination of contract law in the modern era. its significance and difficulties.
  14. Should the judicial conservatism on a particular performance be reevaluated in light of US contract law?
  15. An examination of the public sector’s use of contract law to new firms in the UK.
  16. Discuss using trade examples from large countries when a contract violation has a slim chance of escaping punishment.
  17. An assessment of the literature on the UK’s contract law studies’ evaluation approach.
  18. The application of labor contract regulations in the UK: a study of real-world issues and suggested solutions.
  19. Has the focus on contractual certainty in English contract law caused predictability to impede the expansion of safeguarding the justice in contract law?
  20. The difficulties and impediments to the implementation of lawful contract law and unjust enrichment.
  21. What changes has the European Union’s contract law undergone throughout time?
  22. An examination of non-contractual relationships, the effects of corporate transactions in developing nations, and the use of the law.
  23. Examining the enablers and impediments to its efficient implementation, contract law and the impact of globalization.
  24. A review of the key elements of contract law in the UK following Brexit.
  25. Looking closely at the subtleties of the relationship between Business and Human Rights in Law (BHR) and arbitration in contract law.

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A Comparative Analysis of Breach of Contract and Remedies in Contract Law between the United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States”

Executive Summary

The dissertation will examine the forms of contract breaches that occur in different countries and the types of remedies available in each country, all of which will be covered in depth in the dissertation.


Several contract conflicts have arisen as a result of the recent economic changes in the Gulf area and, more notably, in the UAE.. Suppose a claimant or a defendant wishes to pursue contractual damages (among the other remedies available under the UAE legal system). In that case, they should become more familiar with the concept of contractual liability, the types of liability accepted under UAE, U.S. and U.K. law, the components of contractual damages recognized under UAE law, and in particular, the necessary conditions for contractual damages recognized by UAE law. In the same way, the same laws are complied with by the governments of the U.S., U.K. and UAE. Some of the remedies discussed by the researchers related to contract law are: a suit for specific performance, liquidated damages, and an injunction are the three most common types of remedies available. In the U.K., USA and UAE, the breach of contract-based remedies are similar in supporting the parties involved in specific cases. For example, in UAE, if someone violates the employment contract terms, they may face a disciplinary procedure that might result in dismissal in the future. Similarly, in the U.K. and USA, an employer may also seek damages against you, but only if they have experienced a financial loss as a result of your failure to comply with their policies and procedures.

Background Summary

A contract is a legally binding agreement or commitment between two or more parties that the judiciary may execute. In rare instances, one or more parties involved in the contract fail to honour the obligations and pledges made by the parties to the contract; for this reason, a study between the United States, the United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates is necessary. This sort of incident is referred to legally as “breach of contract,” which shows that the contract’s promises or agreements were not adhered to as promised. Legally binding contracts can be breached when more than singleparties do not live up to their half of the transaction. Even though the violation was unavoidable, the consequences of a contract breach might be fairly severe, even if the breach was unavoidable.

The background or literature is explained with the help of having a detailed review on the previous literatures. As an original approach, secondary data is used for completing the literature review, which helps to complete the entire section of the literature.


The study aims to have a Comparative Analysis of Breach of Contract and Remedies in Contract Law between the United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States. And to compare that how the rights of parties have been secured through proper contract laws in the U.K., UAE and USA.


For the entire research, in qualitative research is required to be conducted with the help of the secondary data, in which different articles; journals ad literatures will be used to gather relevant and enough data so that a proper comparison can be done between the three chosen countries U.K., U.S. and UAE as well.


Following timescale is required to be considered while completing the research:

Chapter – “1 – (Introduction) (Year 1 – First Six Months)

Chapter – 2 – (Literature Review) (Year 1 – Second Six Months)

Chapter – 3 (Research Methodology) (Year 2 – First Six Months)

Chapter – 4 (Data Analysis) (Year 2 – Second Six Months)

Chapter – 5- (Findings and Discussion) (Year 3 – First Six Months)”

Chapter – 6 – (Conclusion & Recommendations) (Year 3 – Second Six Months)


Dąbrowski, Ł. D. (2021). Arbitration Procedure in Bilateral Investment Treaties–Interactions between National, European and International Courts. InCase-Law and the Development of International Law(pp. 246-260). Brill Nijhoff.

Hay, P. (2021). Forum Selection Clauses-Procedural Tools or Contractual Obligations? Conceptualization and Remedies in American and German Law.Emory Int’l L. Rev.,35, 1.

Murray, M., Olusola, M., & Chiu, E. (2021). Franchising in the United Arab Emirates.Franchise Law Journal,41(1), 89-102.

Sirena, P., & Patti, F. P. (2021). Blockchain and contract law: Smart contracts. InBlockchain and Public Law. Edward Elgar Publishing.


Dissertations on contract law will receive a good grade if they demonstrate comprehensive research and a thorough grasp of the concepts of contract law. It is easier than you might think to find dissertation topics for contract law if you know where to look.

Nevertheless, it can be challenging to turn a concept into a topic and, subsequently, a dissertation. We have provided you with a selection of ideas for your contract law dissertation presented by our excellent writers. Our list of potential contract law dissertation topics is intended to inspire you to choose the best topic for your paper. Our company also provides complete dissertation writing, proposal writing and chapter writing service to ease your workload without compromising work quality and confidentiality.

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    Table of Contents

    To find Contract Law Dissertation Topics:

    1. Study recent legal developments.
    2. Explore unresolved contract issues.
    3. Review court cases and controversies.
    4. Analyze international contract trends.
    5. Consider commercial or consumer contexts.
    6. Select a topic that sparks your curiosity.

    About Grace Graffin

    Avatar for Grace GraffinGrace has a bachelor's and a master's degree from Loughborough University, so she's an expert at writing a flawless essay at ResearchProspect. She has worked as a professional writer and editor, helping students of at all academic levels to improve their academic writing skills.