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How to Cite A Dictionary Entry in MLA? | Top Essential Steps

Published by at January 27th, 2025 , Revised On January 27, 2025

Academic writing is a comprehensive process that requires students to conduct in-depth research, find relevant material, and write unique assignments, essays, and research papers. However, it also requires students to cite those sources in their papers from which the data is taken. Different definitions, terminologies, phrases, and pronunciations are sometimes taken from various dictionary entries, which are also cited. Have you ever thought about how to cite a dictionary entry in MLA?

Citing different sources in academic papers using MLA, APA, Chicago, and Harvard styles are common these days, as this authentically shows the depth of the research. Moreover, it guides readers about the original data sources, supports arguments, and avoids plagiarism. Not everyone is familiar with citing dictionary entries in MLA, as proper knowledge of dictionaries and MLA guidelines is required. Are you struggling to cite a dictionary entry in MLA? You’re on the perfect platform.

This blog thoroughly discusses dictionary entries, MLA format, important elements while citing a dictionary entry in MLA, five different methods for citing a dictionary entry in MLA, and the importance of citing a dictionary entry in MLA.

What is a Dictionary Entry & MLA Format?

A dictionary entry is defined as a set of information that describes a word or a phrase. It includes the word form, grammatical characterisation, definition, synonyms, etymology, cross-references, usage information, pronunciation and examples. Dictionary entries significantly help individuals understand the meaning and pronunciation of a particular word or phrase.

MLA, known as the Modern Language Association, is a citation style that is based on particular standards and guidelines. It is predominantly used to cite papers in arts and humanities disciplines, such as English, Philosophy, Arts, and Sociology. It requires students to follow its rules and regulations to cite sources in the academic papers from which the information is taken.

  • Why dictionary entry is cited in MLA?

Data and information from different newspapers, blogs, articles, magazines, and research papers are cited to give credit to authors and to guide readers. Similarly, dictionary entries are also cited in academic papers to acknowledge the hard work that authors undertook to provide you with word meaning.

  • How do you cite a dictionary entry in MLA?

Here is the format for citing a dictionary entry in MLA:

With Parts of Speech and Definition Number Works Cited: “Title of Entry, Part of Speech. (Definition Number).” Dictionary Title, Publisher, Publication Year, URL.
In-Text Citation: (“Title of Entry”, def. Definition Number)
Without Parts of Speech and Definition Number Works Cited: “Entry Title”. Dictionary Title, Edition, Volume, Publisher, Publication Year, Page Number.
In-Text Citation: (“Title of Entry”)
  • Example of citing a dictionary entry in MLA

This example will further guide you on citing dictionary entries in MLA:

With Parts of Speech and Definition Number

Works Cited: “Ambiguous, adj. (1a).” Oxford English Dictionary, Orford University Press, 2023, https://www.oed.com/dictionary/ambiguous_adj?tl=true

In-Text Citation: (“Ambiguous”, def. 1a)

Without Parts of Speech and Definition Number

Works Cited: “Ambiguous”. Merrium-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th ed., Merrium-Webster, 2023, p. 42.

In-Text Citation: (“Ambiguous”)

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Important Elements While Citing a Dictionary Entry in MLA

As you have seen above, in the format, there are multiple elements in the MLA citations of dictionary entries. You must be familiar with all these elements while citing a dictionary entry. They will significantly guide you on which information is there and which is not and how to cite the dictionary entry in MLA efficiently. Here are the guidelines that you must follow while citing a dictionary entry in MLA:

🟢Entry Title: The entry title is the word or phrase for which the citation is being done. It is the word that is focused at the start of an MLA citation and must be accurate and precise.

🟢Parts of Speech: Parts of speech are essential when the word has different meanings. It comes after the entry title, and it is not mentioned in the full form. It is abbreviated, such as:

  • Noun = N.
  • Pronoun = Pron.
  • Verb = V.
  • Adjective = Adj.
  • Advert = Adv.
  • Preposition = Prep.
  • Conjunction = Conj.
  • Interjection = Interj.

🟢Definition Number: Every dictionary entry has a particular definition number. As every phrase or word has multiple definitions, mentioning their numbers efficiently being referenced is crucial.

🟢Dictionary Title: The dictionary title comes after the definition number. It highlights the dictionary from which the word or phrase has been cited. This significantly guides readers.

🟢Publisher: The company that published the dictionary of the entry is called the publisher. Citing the publisher’s name significantly highlights their hard work in formulating and releasing the dictionary.

🟢Publication Date: After the publisher, there comes the publication date in MLA citations. The publication date highlights on which particular date the dictionary was published.

🟢Page Number: Page numbers are the location of the dictionary entry that is cited in the academic paper. It significantly helps readers locate the entry efficiently and get to know all the additional information.

🟢URL: WRL, while citing a dictionary entry in MLA, is only cited in the case of online dictionaries. These are an efficient way of taking the readers to the exact source location with just one click.

Five Different Methods of Citing a Dictionary Entry in MLA

There is not a single method of citing a dictionary entry in MLA. As there are multiple types of dictionaries, such as print and online, so every type is cited differently from the others. There are different guidelines to be kept in mind while citing search types as well as for special citation cases. Here are the five different methods that you can follow to cite a dictionary entry in MLA:

Method 1: Citing a print dictionary entry in MLA

Print dictionaries are those that are available in the physical form, such as printed books. Their entries have limited meanings and definitions and are cited in a particular way. Here is how you can cite a print dictionary entry in MLA:

1.1. Citing a print dictionary entry with one author

Works Cited: Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Dictionary. Edition, Publisher, Publication Year.

Clarke, John. The Learner’s Dictionary of Modern English. 3rd ed., HarperCollins, 2010.

In-Text Citation: (Author’s Last Name)


1.2. Citing a print dictionary entry with 2+ authors

Works Cited: First Author’s Last Name, First Name, Second Author’s First Name Last Name, Title of Dictionary. Edition, Publisher, Publication Year.

Wilson, Agnes, and John Brown. Advanced Lexicon for English Learners. 2nd ed., Academic Press, 2015.

In-Text Citation: (Last Name of Both Authors separated by “and”)

(Wilson and Brown)

Method 2: Citing an online dictionary entry in MLA

Online dictionaries are those that are available on the internet to help students understand the meaning of complex words and terminologies. They are different from print dictionaries and also cited differently. Here are the essential steps to follow while citing an online dictionary entry in MLA:

2.1. Citing an online dictionary entry with one author

Works Cited: Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Entry”. Title of Dictionary. Edition, Publisher, Publication Year, URL.

Parker, James. “Conundrum”. English Learner’s Online Dictionary, Language Press, 2024, https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/conundrum#:~:text=A%20conundrum%20is%20a%20problem,difficult%20or%20impossible%20to%20solve.

In-Text Citation: (Author’s Last Name)


2.2. Citing an online dictionary entry with 2+ authors

Works Cited: First Author’s Last Name, First Name, and Second Author’s First Name Last Name. “Title of Entry”. Title of Dictionary. Edition, Publisher, Publication Year, URL.

Twist, Jack, and Tommy Hilton. “Ambiguity”. Lexis Online Dictionary, Lexis Publications, 2023, https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/lexis#:~:text=see%20lexicon-,lexis%20in%20American%20English,them%20in%20a%20language%3B%20lexicon.

In-Text Citation: (Last Name of Both Authors separated by “and”)

(Twist and Hilton)

Method 3: Citing multiple definitions from the same source

Sometimes, there are different definitions in the same dictionary entry that are relevant to the topic being discussed in the academic paper. They are also cited for adhering to all their specific guidelines. Here is how you can cite multiple definitions from the same source:

Works Cited: “Title of Entry 1”. Dictionary Title, Edition, Publisher, Publication Date, URL.

“Title of Entry 2”. Dictionary Title, Edition, Publisher, Publication Date, URL.

“Courage”. Oxford English Dictionary Online. Oxford University Press, 2024, https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/american_english/courage#:~:text=noun-,noun,showed%20great%20courage%20and%20determination.

“Bravery”. Oxford English Dictionary Online. Oxford University Press, 2024, https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/bravery#:~:text=%2F%CB%88bre%C9%AAv%C9%99ri%2F-,%2F%CB%88bre%C9%AAv%C9%99ri%2F,an%20award%20for%20outstanding%20bravery.

In-Text Citation: (“Title of First Entry”; “Title of Second Entry”)

(“Courage”; ”Bravery”)

Method 4: Citing a particular definition from a dictionary

In some cases, only definitions from dictionaries are used in academic papers instead of words or phrases. In this way, they must be cited in a particular way. Here is the format of citing a specific definition from a dictionary:

Works Cited: “Title of Entry, Definition Number”. Dictionary Title, Edition, Publisher, Publication Date, URL.

“Light, 2a”. Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, 2024, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/light.

In-Text Citation: (“Title of Entry, Definition Number”)

(“Light, 2a”)

Method 5: Citing a dictionary entry with no author

Sometimes, there is no author of the dictionary mentioned in the source. It makes a special case to cite them in MLA. There are certain guidelines to follow while citing them. Here is how you can cite a dictionary entry without an author:

Works Cited: “Title of Entry”. Dictionary Title, Edition, Publisher, Publication Date, URL.

“Euphoria”. Cambridge Online Dictionary, Cambridge University Press, 2024, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/euphoria#:~:text=Meaning%20of%20euphoria%20in%20English&text=extreme%20happiness%2C%20sometimes%20more%20than,produces%20a%20feeling%20of%20euphoria.

In-Text Citation: (“Title of Entry”)


Importance of Citing a Dictionary Entry in MLA

Citing a dictionary entry is an efficient way to credit creators and authors of dictionaries. If you have ever come across a dictionary in your life, you must be aware that a vast amount of words and phrases are given in them. By reviewing them, you understand how much focus and concentration have been employed while writing them. Here are the different benefits of citing a dictionary entry in MLA:

  • It acknowledges the original source

The main benefit of citing a dictionary entry in MLA is that it acknowledges the original sources. The sources that you use to enhance your academic papers deserve recognition. When you cite a dictionary entry in MLA, the readers get to see from where the data and information have been taken.

  • It helps to clarify your claims

When writing an academic paper, different arguments and claims are presented using information from dictionary entries. However, when appropriate citations are added, it significantly helps to clarify those claims. Without proper citations, the claims and arguments have no value.

  • It meets academic standards

Another benefit of citing dictionary entries in MLA is to meet different academic standards. Various academic institutes require students to conduct in-depth research and cite the relevant data sources using different citation styles. When definitions or words taken from dictionary entries are cited, they meet all academic standards.

  • It guides the readers

Citing dictionary entries in MLA also significantly guides readers. If there are no citations in academic papers, readers get confused about where the information is used. When proper citations are present, readers get to know from where information is inspired and how the research has been conducted.

  • It helps to authenticate your work

Authenticity and validity are important things in academic papers, and they are eligible to be published in top databases. However, papers can be authenticated by appropriately citing a dictionary entry in MLA. With MLA citations, the paper gets a recognition that can never be achieved without citations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Table of Contents

The important elements while citing a dictionary entry are: 

  • Entry Title
  • Parts of Speech
  • Definition Number
  • Dictionary Title
  • Publisher
  • Publication Date
  • Page Number
  • URL

Here are five ways to cite a dictionary entry in MLA:

  1. Citing a print dictionary entry
  2. Citing an online dictionary entry 
  3. Citing multiple definitions from the same source
  4. Citing a particular definition from a dictionary
  5. Citing a dictionary entry with no author

Here are the key benefits of citing a dictionary entry in MLA: 

  • It acknowledges the original source
  • It helps to clarify your claims
  • It meets academic standards
  • It guides the readers
  • It helps to authenticate your work

About Alvin Nicolas

Avatar for Alvin NicolasNicolas has a master's degree in literature and a PhD degree in statistics. He is a content manager at ResearchProspect. He loves to write, cook and run. Nicolas is passionate about helping students at all levels.