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Type of Academic Paper – Dissertation Topic and Plan outline
Academic Subject – Management
Word Count – 790 words
In the present era of globalisation, the companies are heavily focusing on the sustainability of the competitive advantage globally, utilizing offering quality products to the customers (Kalpakjian and Schmid, 2014). However, lean production is the mechanism utilised by organisations to improve operational execution and management. In the light of Behrouzi and Wong (2011), there are several benefits associated with lean production which are presently recognised as the factors for improving the reduced costs and improved productivity through the removal of the wastage in the operations management. Several firms mainly implement lean production to enhance their competitive situation and bring effectiveness in the operations. Moreover, the study of Yang, Hong, and Modi (2011) suggested that the operational performance might be stopped from happening because of ineffectiveness in lean manufacturing. Therefore, the study aims to fill the gap by reviewing the relationship between lean management and the execution and management of the operation in the UK’s automobile sector.
The main of the research is exploring the influence of lean management practice and its effectiveness on the execution and management of operations in the UK’s automobile industry. In this context, the objectives of the study are as follows,
Objective 1: To study the concept of lean management in the light of existing literature and studies
Objective 2: To identify factors affecting lean management concerning the automobile industry
Objective 3: To examine the relation between lean management and the execution and management of the operation in the automobile sector of the UK
Objective 4: To recommend strategies for increasing the effectiveness of lean management in the automobile sector for effective execution and management of operations
RQ1. What is meant by Lean Management?
RQ2. What is the significance of Lean Management for the Automobile Sector in the UK?
RQ3. What is the relation between lean management and the effective execution and management of operations in the UK’s automobile sector?
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Interpretivism philosophy will be used for the research considering the qualitative nature of the study.
The inductive research approach has been used in the research for interpreting the results.
The researcher will use a qualitative research design for achieving the aim and objectives of the study.
The researcher will be using semi-structured interview questions as the research instrument.
In this study, a total of 5 operations managers will be employed for conducting the interviews. However, the interviewees will be from the automobile companies operating in the UK.
The research will be employing primary and secondary methods of data collection in the research.
The data will be analysed with the help of thematic analysis. The researcher will be codifying the responses gathered from the interview respondents and presenting them in a meaningful manner.
Behrouzi, F. and Wong, K.Y., 2011. Lean performance evaluation of manufacturing systems: A dynamic and innovative approach. Procedia Computer Science, 3, pp.388-395.
Kalpakjian, S. and Schmid, S.R., 2014. Manufacturing engineering and technology (p., 913). Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA: Pearson.
Yang, M.G.M., Hong, P. and Modi, S.B., 2011. Impact of lean manufacturing and environmental management on business performance: An empirical study of manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Economics, 129(2), pp.251-261.
Fullerton, R.R., Kennedy, F.A. and Widener, S.K., 2014. Lean manufacturing and firm performance: The incremental contribution of lean management accounting practices. Journal of Operations Management, 32(7), pp.414-428.
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