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Entrepreneurship Dissertation Topics

Published by at January 4th, 2023 , Revised On May 16, 2024

Choosing the right topic for your dissertation is extremely important. For both an undergraduate and postgraduate degree, the dissertation is worth a large number of credits. Your dissertation project is going to take a lot of time to complete. This is why it’s best to choose a topic that’s both interesting and unique.

The structure is extremely important in a dissertation. Each sentence should be relevant and contribute to the research argument. It should be a high-quality piece of academic work. That’s why, when choosing the right topic, it’s important not to be vague. Broad topics make it harder for you to draw brief and relevant conclusions.

Similarly, being too narrow with your topic will make it hard for you to expand on your arguments. Conclusively, your dissertation topic should be as objective as possible with a realistic scope. It’s best to think about the subject matter from an outside perspective to better grasp the strength of your topic. Discussing the topic with your tutor and other knowledgeable people can also help you get more insight into the matter.

Research is your biggest ally and will help you ensure that the topic you are choosing is the right one.

List Of The Latest Dissertation Ideas On Entrepreneurship 

  1. How global technology innovation has impacted small-business entrepreneurship on a broad scale.
  2. Identifying entrepreneurship as a separate social force
  3. Studying how the social characteristics of a given culture might help you understand entrepreneurship
  4. How entrepreneurship helps isolated groups of people develop their capabilities.
  5. The impact of entrepreneurship on the company model
  6. The use of design as a mediator to bring management theory and practice together.
  7. Distinguish between the five types of entrepreneurs
  8. Is it true that all people are born with entrepreneurial tendencies, or can these traits be learned?
  9. Donald Trump is one of the most well-known businessmen in the world. He is, however, well-known for his demeanour and a variety of other characteristics that do not garner widespread adoration. Discuss how a person’s success as an entrepreneur can cause them to lose touch with their humanity.
  10. Discuss some of the difficulties that entrepreneurs experience when they first start their companies. At the same time, offers some answers to these problems, emphasising how technological advancements have made it simpler for individuals to overcome them.
  11. The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Venture Capital Investment Strategies in the Gig Economy.
  12. How Can Blockchain Technology Disrupt Traditional Supply Chain Management?
  13. The Ethical Implications of Data Analytics in Personalised Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs.
  14. Challenges and Opportunities for Freelancer Economy 
  15. How Does Design Thinking Influence Product Development and Innovation?
  16. Can content marketing generate leads and drive sales for entrepreneurial ventures?
  17. Effectiveness of Gamification Strategies in Employee Training and Development Programs.

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Entrepreneurship Dissertation Topics

Research Aim: The research aims to describe the ongoing and increasing trend of entrepreneurship in the UK and the way it is alleviating poverty in the country.


  • To examine the increasing trend of entrepreneurship in the UK.
  • To interpret how entrepreneurship is a solution for alleviating poverty in the UK.
  • To recommend strategies to entrepreneurs in the UK about how they can contribute to alleviate poverty.

Research Aim: The research aim is to investigate how the growing number of entrepreneurs is impacting the UK economy. The role of the UK government’s Global Entrepreneur Program will also be analysed.


  • To investigate the impacts and roles of the increasing number of entrepreneurs in the UK economy.
  • To analyse the role of the UK government’s Global Entrepreneur Program in supporting entrepreneurs.
  • To suggest strategies about how entrepreneurs can benefit in the best possible way with the help of the UK government’s Global Entrepreneur Program.

Research Aim: The research aims to explore the impacts of using cloud technologies by entrepreneurs in the UK for purposes like cost saving and quality control.


  • To analyse the benefits of using cloud technologies in an organisation.
  • To shed light on how UK entrepreneurs are embracing cloud technologies for quality control and saving costs.
  • To recommend strategies about how cloud technologies can be improved by the UK entrepreneurs to enhance cost saving and quality control.

Research Aim: The aim is to examine the expanding scope of entrepreneurship in the UK and how this is affecting and accelerating competition and productivity.


  • To shed light on the context of the increasing scope of entrepreneurship in the UK.
  • To investigate how growth in entrepreneurship affects and drives competition and productivity.
  • To suggest strategies for driving entrepreneurship in the UK, thereby driving competition and productivity.

Research Aim: The aim is to critically analyse the role of effective leadership of entrepreneurs in small businesses in the UK that can drive teamwork and performance efficiency.


  • To interpret the significance of effective leadership of entrepreneurs in small businesses in the UK.
  • To analyse how effective leadership of entrepreneurs in the UK small businesses drives teamwork and performance efficiency.
  • To recommend effective strategies for nurturing leadership practices by the entrepreneurs in the UK small businesses to improve teamwork and performance efficiency for a better outcome.

Entrepreneurship Dissertation Topics & Ideas For Research

Research Aim: The goal of the research will be to see if technology improvements have an impact on the entrepreneurship sector. The study will also highlight some of the technical tools that have a favourable impact on an organisation’s entrepreneurship levels.

Research Aim: The goal of this research is to see if gender difference has an impact on the development of entrepreneurial abilities. It will be feasible to discover which of the two genders has greater entrepreneurship skills by doing this study.

Research Aim: The goal of this research is to see if government policies in a certain country have an impact on entrepreneurial activity in that country. Some policies that may have an impact on entrepreneurship will be identified as a result of this research.

Research Aim: The research aims to investigate whether entrepreneurship has a hand in determining and evaluating a country’s economic progress. Following the completion of this study, it will be possible to establish how entrepreneurship influences a country’s economic development.

Research Aim: This research will aid in identifying some of the characteristics that influence entrepreneurial innovation in a company. It will be feasible to discover how each of the factors operates as a determinant of entrepreneurial innovation in an organisation by doing this study.

Research Aim: The goal of this research is to see if adding entrepreneurship in schools helps students acquire entrepreneurial abilities. Following this research, the influence of including this study in the promotion of entrepreneurship in the country will be determined.

Research Aim: This thesis is on entrepreneurship policy, with a focus on public assistance plans for early-stage technology-based ventures. It argues that a comprehensive perspective should be taken on the types of entrepreneurship policies that aim to support the ability of supported businesses to connect to their surrounding innovation system, allowing them to secure access to critical external resources.

Research Aim: Why do some small businesses thrive and develop while others do not? Is there a role for entrepreneurship in this process? These are the two main concerns that can be raised in this essay. Variables boosting and constraining small company growth and performances can be identified based on a thorough literature study.

Research Aim: This thesis examines how small businesses, particularly their CEOs, deal with high levels of environmental turbulence. Their performance and their CEO’s self-awareness and obscurity, several different companies, can be chosen for the empirical investigation.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions, literature review, methodology, expected results, and conclusion. The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service!

Research Aim: This research intends to investigate how digital innovation has caused small and medium enterprises to further analyse and perform experimentation on their business models and how this affects their innovativeness and the way they perform.

How to Choose Your Dissertation Topic

When deciding on your topic, consider the message you want to send with your title. It’s not just a catch-all phrase for calling your study. It also serves as a concise summary of your complete body of work. It should be able to express the most important aspects of your research and provide a clear picture of what’s to come.

Choose your words and phrases with care. Each word must be significant. Your title should be of a fair length to convey your point while remaining concise and unobtrusive. Clarity is necessary. Each character in the title has a place and a purpose, with no extraneous words.

It’s possible that you’ll have to follow academic rules. Some subjects of study, for example, may enable compound titles or primary subtitles. Maintain your concentration. The title should be brief but informative. It should state the purpose of your study.

Stick to the format given by your school of choice. In a title for a work of this grade, there is usually no room for humour. Save the humour for another occasion. A tight write-up that is information-based, accurate, perfectly reflects your topic, and coherently explains your aim of the research is best for a dissertation.


For most students, coming up with a dissertation topic in entrepreneurship might be a difficult process. Fortunately, students can gain ideas and inspiration by looking at outsourcing, evaluating corporate enterprises, nation-state aggressiveness, or asking whether entrepreneurs are born or made. As can be seen above, there are a plethora of fascinating topics that centre around being an entrepreneur and running a firm.

Using these topic ideas in a broad sense will help you build a title that complements your content for your unique topic. They are just intended to be used as a guideline and should not be used in their entirety. As they say, experience is the best teacher, so use these samples to practice moulding your words into engaging and effective titles.

    Free Dissertation Topic

    Frequently Asked Questions

    To discover entrepreneurship dissertation topics:

    1. Study emerging business trends.
    2. Investigate startup challenges.
    3. Analyse success factors.
    4. Examine niche markets.
    5. Explore innovation and technology.
    6. Opt for topics resonating with your passion and expertise.

    About Carmen Troy

    Avatar for Carmen TroyTroy has been the leading content creator for ResearchProspect since 2017. He loves to write about the different types of data collection and data analysis methods used in research.