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Criminal Psychology Dissertation Ideas

Published by at January 2nd, 2023 , Revised On May 13, 2024

If you are writing a research paper on criminal psychology, you have a variety of topics and themes to choose from. Do psychopaths have an innate or developed nature? Is there a way to help criminals get better? Why do serial killers commit these crimes? When writing a criminal psychology dissertation, you might consider one or more of these research ideas. Your research and citations should be accurate regardless of the criminal psychology theme you select.

It is possible to study criminal behaviour, forensics, and crime from every angle. To help you get started and inspire your creativity, we’ve collected interesting criminal psychology dissertation ideas.

List of Criminal Psychology Dissertation Topic Ideas

  1. Examine the connection between incarceration later in life and psychiatric illnesses that appear in childhood or adolescence. 
  2. The link between criminal behaviour and social class. Give three reasons why someone’s socioeconomic situation might influence their decision to commit a crime.
  3. Determine the social environments that promote propensities for violence and hostility. To compose a cause-and-effect essay, include a number of examples from the research.
  4. Comparing the incarceration rates of men in the same population who are 18 to 25 years old and have a high school education.
  5. A political behaviour study (causality & prevention of crime).
  6. A comparison between school bullying and criminality.
  7. Using sexual violence as a weapon in armed conflict: a case study.
  8. Recognising the link between crime and marginalisation and prejudice based on religion.
  9. Criminal behaviour is seen through the prism of the personality of the offender.
  10. Law, Mental Illness, and Crime: A Psycho-Criminological View.
  11. Important personality qualities (neuroticism) that can be used to predict criminal conduct.
  12. Psychological distinctions between juvenile and adult criminals are common.
  13. Is it harmful for juvenile criminals (in terms of reeducation) to be detained alongside adults?
  14. What patterns are in serial killers’ mindsets across cases?
  15. The balance between restraining circumstances and criminal intentions.
  16. How much thought goes into arranging a crime, and what does that reveal about criminals?
  17. Control over a crime’s execution and its usage in criminal profiling.
  18. Psychological disorders frequently lead to criminal behaviour.
  19. An examination of the worldview of criminals who are in jail like their emotions, such as guilt, regret, rage, disappointment, self-pity, and sentiments of unfairness, predominate, etc.
  20. Criminals’ emotional and social requirements for successful reintegration into society.
  21. Is there a rise in crime when certain public situations, such as weather calamities, occur? How can emergency management specialists avoid this if that’s the case?
  22. Look at the relationship between criminal behaviour and socioeconomic class. Name three ways that socioeconomic position may influence criminal behaviour.
  23. Do mandatory minimum sentences prevent crime or encourage recidivism? What types of biases are present in these laws? What could’ve been done more effectively?
  24. Disparities between men and women in the criminal justice system.
  25. Should offenders undergo genetic testing? Should a judge or jury accept evidence that the defendant had poor impulse control or another hereditary or mental weakness?
  26. Why do students from colleges engage in arson?
  27. The Role of Terrorism in Preventing Technology 
  28. The link between criminal behaviour and schizophrenia 
  29. How is the justice in lengthy convictions after committing minor crimes?
  30. Relevance of women in committing crimes 
  31. The influence of social media on criminal planning
  32. The psychological impact of solitary confinement on inmates

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If you want to write a dissertation on criminal psychology, don’t expect it to be a simple process. If you are not passionate about your topic, you will spend much more time researching it than expected. It is easier to maintain your motivation and keep writing when you choose a topic you are interested in and passionate about. We hope you can choose a unique and remarkable topic from these criminal psychology dissertation ideas mentioned above.

    Free Dissertation Topic

    Frequently Asked Questions

    To find criminal psychology dissertation topics:

    1. Study recent legal and psychological issues.
    2. Explore forensic psychology literature.
    3. Analyse real-life cases or controversies.
    4. Investigate rehabilitation methods.
    5. Consider profiling or mental health aspects.
    6. Opt for a topic that captivates your interest and has research potential.

    About Owen Ingram

    Avatar for Owen IngramIngram is a dissertation specialist. He has a master's degree in data sciences. His research work aims to compare the various types of research methods used among academicians and researchers.